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Osprey dives for prey on South Twin Lake near La Pine.Biologists with the Oregon Department of Transportation help to protect living organisms and their environment during the construction, operation and maintenance of Oregon’s highways.

The biology team:

  • Ensures compliance with state and federal environmental laws
  • Provides guidance to minimize impacts to species and habitats
  • Directs mitigation efforts when negative impacts occur

Major Program Areas

Aquatic Biology – promotes the protection of fish and other organisms living in freshwater systems

Fish Passage – helps to prevent or remove blockages to fish movement

Terrestrial Biology – promotes the protection of animals and plants that live on land

Pollinators – promotes the conservation of bees, butterflies and other pollinators through habitat protection and enhancement

Wildlife Passage – helps to provide safe road crossings for deer, elk and other animals

Endangered Species Act – manages ESA compliance for transportation projects funded by the Federal Highway Administration

Related Programs

Guidance Materials

​Federal Regulations

State Regulations

Oregon Administrative Rules for Oregon Fish and Wildlife

Contact the Environmental Section

4040 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, MS 1
Salem, Oregon 97302

Program Contacts

Wildlife Passage Program Leader
FAHP ESA Programmatic Coordinator &
National Marine Fisheries Service Liaison
National Marine Fisheries Service Liaison
Terrestrial Biology Program Leader
Pollinator Program Leader
Aquatic Biology and Fish Passage Program Leader