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Cultural Resources


Toll road in AshlandThe Oregon Department of Transportation's Cultural Resources Program seeks to strike a balance between a growing transportation system and the protection of Oregon's significant cultural history.

Major Program Areas

Historic Resources


Services Provided

Program staff aid the Federal Highway Administration in adhering to:

  • National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, section 106; and
  • Department of Transportation Act of 1966, section 4(f).

Program staff maintains a programmatic agreement with FHWA; Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and State Historic Preservation Office. This agreement outlines how ODOT handles cultural resource evaluations and determinations on all federally funded projects

Program staff:

  • Reviews all Section 106 documentation;
  • Works directly with FHWA and SHPO offices;
  • Develops Section 4(f) documentation; and
  • Conducts all Tribal consultations.

Active list: Qualified Cultural Resources Consultants​​ -Updated 02/04/2025

Please check the list to see you are still qualified – qualification is for three years.  When qualifying or requalifying, please let Tobin or Chris know and send them your updated C.V. (see contact below) 

Only consulting firms with staff who meet the minimum ODOT cultural resources qualifications (SOI for architectural history for built environment work or SOI for archaeology for archaeological work) will be considered qualified for ODOT cultural resources work.

Consultant firms that intend to perform both archaeological and built environment tasks for ODOT are required to have at least one archaeologist and one historian that has taken the ODOT qualification training and passed the test. All other staff working on ODOT projects must meet the above stated SOI standards.

The ODOT web-based qualification training is now available on Workday at:

ODOT Cultural Resources Qualification Training-Archaeology 

ODOT Cultural Resources Qualification Training-Historic

​Visit the Workday Learning Support Page​ to Create an Extended Enterprise Account.

Tribal Coordination

Legislative Commission on Indian Services

Government-to-Government Tribal Relations glossary

ODOT conducts government-to-government consultation as mandated by ORS 182.162. With regards to FHWA-related projects, FHWA remains responsible for consultation with Tribes and retains its government-to-government relationship; however, FHWA does rely on ODOT’s established tribal coordination process.

Archaeologists consult with all nine of the federally-recognized Tribes in the state of Oregon as well as with federally-recognized out-of-state Tribes that have an interest within Oregon.

ODOT’s government-to-government policy promotes and enhances these relationships through programs that include Tribal involvement in the development and implementation of transportation projects and other activities that may affect Tribal lands, resources and interests.

Websites for Tribes in the Northwest

Other Resources

Contact the Environmental Section

4040 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, MS 1
Salem, Oregon 97302
Phone: 503-986-3252
Fax: 503-986-3249

Program Contacts

Phone: 503-986-3783