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Implementing Uniform Traffic Control Devices

Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices

Use of uniform traffic control devices, including shape, size and color, help reduce crashes and congestion, and improves the efficiency of the system.

Use of the MUTCD is required on public roads by Oregon law.

11th Edition of the MUTCD

The Federal Highway Administration published a new edition of the MUTCD on December 19, 2023. The Oregon Transportation Commission has until January 2026 to adopt the new MUTCD for use in Oregon through an update to OAR 734-020-0005. Until then, the 2009 Edition of the MUTCD is still in effect in Oregon.

ODOT and the Oregon Traffic Control Devices Committee will be developing the Oregon Supplement to the 11th Edition of the MUTCD during this time. The supplement will adapt the federal edition for use in Oregon.

Contact the Traffic Standards Unit

4040 Fairview Industrial Drive, MS 5
Salem, Oregon 97302
Fax: 503-986-3749

Email the Traffic Standards Unit

FHWA Interim Approvals

The Federal Highway Administration periodically issues guidance in the form of an interim approval. Affected traffic control devices must be installed and operated under the direction and conditions identified in the interim approval.

Visit the FHWA Interim Approval webpage for related clarifications and interpretations.