The design exception process is intended to ensure that sound engineering decisions are made when design options are limited.
Exceptions to design standards should be discussed early in the design process when project limits are first determined. All design exception requests must show justification.
Digital Signatures
For design exceptions, we only use digital signatures. While ink signatures are legally valid, this type of signature is more secure and helps us store these important documents electronically.
Using digital signatures on design exception requests.
Be sure to follow the procedures noted below to avoid unwanted delays.
Digital Seals - Refer to TSB21-01(D), Digital Seal and Signature Requirements for Engineers and Land Surveyors.
Applying for a Design Exception
Please note: Applying for an exception does not guarantee approval. Exceptions must be submitted at or before the Design Acceptance Package milestone.
Notify us if the design team determines a design exception is no longer needed.
Unresolved design exceptions in the database may impact your contract advertisement.
Forms and Instructions
General Design Exception Request Form
Highway Design Manual Subsection 1005.2
State Traffic Roadway Engineer PE Seal
Video - Adding Your PE Stamp and Digital Signature
Application Process
Obtain a control number.
To request a control number fill out the form linked above. The state traffic roadway engineer is the approving engineer. When the approving engineer is unavailable, an interim authority will be assigned. The design exception administrator will provide the seal.
Create a draft design exception request form.
Add the control number to the top of the form and the approving state traffic roadway engineer seal at the bottom of the form.
Submit a draft.
Send your draft requests or the ProjectWise link to the ODOT Design Exception Adminstrator. Roadway subject matter experts, based in the Statewide Project Delivery Branch, will review your draft design exception request.
Finalize the form.
Incorporate any necessary details or changes.
Apply the digital signature fields to the form.
This includes the engineer of record, appropriate project and region representatives, and the approving engineer.
Route for signatures.
Collect digital signatures from region technical center representatives.
Submit the form.
Send your completed form or the ProjectWise link to the
design exception administrator for final review by the approving engineer.
Save it.
Save a copy of the form in the corresponding project file. Use ProjectWise when available and follow ODOT naming conventions.
- Review approved request.
Once approved, you will receive an email with a link to the approved design exception.
Additional information about this process is included in Part 1000 of the
Highway Design Manual.
Search for Approved ADA Curb Ramp Design Exceptions
I am external to ODOT
I am an ODOT employee
Designated Reviewers for General Roadway and ADA Curb Ramp Requests
The following personnel will review draft design exceptions, as applicable.
Please contact the respective unit for guidance regarding deviations from bridge, geo-hydro or traffic standards.