ODOT maintains the land adjoining highways and transportation infrastructure, or right of way. Part of that maintenance includes litter removal and graffiti cleanup. We do a lot of work to keep our roads clean, but the problem is constant and increasing at rates greater than our crews, volunteers and partners can keep up with.
In 2023, the Oregon Legislature passed Senate Bill 5701 giving ODOT $20 million in general fund dollars for litter removal, graffiti cleanup, camp cleanup and access prevention in the Portland metro area for use through June 2025. This funding was available on April 17, 2024 and on April 18, we had contracts in place for the work.
In addition, we are partnering with local business leaders to pilot a Sponsor-a-Highway program that is currently removing graffiti and litter on the I-405 corridor in Portland.
As of Nov. 30, 2024, these efforts have accomplished the following:
| November Outcomes
| Outcomes to date
Litter removal
| 47,200+ lbs. collected
| 168,440 lbs. collected
Graffiti removal
| 1,148+ tags removed
| 16,313+ tags removed
Camp clean-up
| 145 camps cleaned up
| 1,093 camps cleaned up*
Access prevention
| 1 project underway
| 7 projects completed*
*April was first month of graffiti, camp cleanup & access prevention work with SB 5701 funds
Clean up locations in Oct. 2024
Before graffiti removal.
After graffiti removal.
Litter and graffiti removal happens along state highways in our Portland Metro Region (Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington counties).
In Nov., our primary litter removal focus areas were:
- I-205 between mile points 0 and 26 - throughout the corridor roughly between I-5 in the Tualatin area and the Sandy Blvd exit in NE Portland. (6,280 lbs.)
- I-405 between mile points mile points 3 to 4.2 - in downtown Portland
- US 26 (Sunset Highway) between mile points 55 and 65 – throughout the corridor from Dersham Rd in Cornelius to Hillsboro. (3,080 lbs.)
- I-5 southbound between mile points 282 and 308 – roughly from SW Multnomah Blvd to Hayden Island. (1,800 lbs.)
- I-84 east and west between mile points 0 and 17, from I-5 to Troutdale. (3,340 lbs.)
In Nov., our primary graffiti removal focus areas were:
- I-84 - 298 tags removed (mile point 0 to 17.8)
- I-205 - 334 tags removed (mile point 0 to 26.5)
- I-5 - 318 tags removed (mile point 282.6 to 308.3)
- US 26 - 44 tags removed (mile point 55.1 to 73.6)
- I-405 - 23 tags removed (mile point 3 to 4.2)
This work includes the removal of over 1,148 tag clusters and application of over 528 gallons of paint, 42 spray cans and 10 gallons of graffiti removal solvent. Graffiti was removed from four signs and no signs were replaced. Since April, a total of 81 signs have been cleaned and 58 were replaced.
Camp cleanup was conducted at the following locations by city of Portland contractors:
- Frequent posting & cleaning areas:
- Large-scale or significant sites cleaned this reporting cycle include:
- I-405 NB ramp to I-5 NB. Camp obstructing access to critical rain with heavy rain in the forecast.
- I-84 WB ramp to NE 42nd. Hot spot for camps beneath ramp
Funding Spent to Date*
Numbers may not reflect all worked billed during this time period.
Funding from SB 5701
| Total Budget
| Spent to date
| Spent this month
| Remaining
Litter removal
| $4 million
| $1,831,738
| $782, 124
| $2,168,262
Graffiti removal
| $4 million
| $815,938
| $110,141
| $3,184,062
Camp clean-up
| $4 million
| $2,208,819
| $1,125
| $1,791,181
Access prevention
| $8 million
| $422,542
| $828
| $7,577,458
| $20 million
| $5,609,122
| $894,218
| $14,390,878
Service Delivery