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Driver and Motor Vehicles
Chris CrabbFor issues related to Driver and Motor Vehicle Services programs, contact spokesperson Chris Crabb.
Phone: 971-304-9705
Delivery and Operations Division
Katherine BenenatiFor statewide issues related to highways, bridges, construction and maintenance contact Katherine Benenati. For local highway and construction questions contact a regional public information officer.
Phone: 503-986-4180
Cell: 503-871-0388
Office of Innovation (OReGO, Connected Vehicles, Electric Vehicle Charging Network)
Jenny CherrytreeFor issues relating to the Oregon Road Usage Charge Program, OReGO, or RUC West, please contact Jenny Cherrytree
Phone: 503-307-3729
Urban Mobility Office
Anna Howe
For questions regarding the I-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project, please contact Rose Gerber. For questions regarding the I-205 Improvements Project, please contact Ryan McCrary. For all other questions related to Urban Mobility Strategy, Tolling, etc. please contact Anna Howe.
Rose Gerber: 503-470-3127
Ryan McCrary: 503-983-5506
Anna Howe: 503-877-7101
Commerce and Compliance (Trucking and Rail)
Chris CrabbFor issues related to trucking programs, contact spokesperson Chris Crabb.
Phone: 971-304-9705
Policy, Data and Analysis Division including Climate Office
Matt NobleFor questions about our Climate Office, transportation planning, data or multimodal programs, contact Matt Noble.
Phone: 503-779-9868
Don Hamilton
For questions about transportation data, research or our GIS mapping unit, contact Don Hamilton.
Phone: 503-704-7452
Transportation Safety
Mindy McCarttFor statewide issues related to safety programs contact Mindy McCartt.
Phone: 503-509-2597
For questions about our Speed Zone Review Panel or setting speed limits, contact Don Hamilton.
Phone: 503-704-7452
Public Transportation Division
Anna HoweFor any questions or issues related to public and active transportation, including STIF, Safe Routes to School, public transit, contact Anna Howe.
Amtrak Cascades and Oregon POINT
Jenny CherrytreeFor issues relating to the Amtrak Cascades and Oregon POINT, please contact Jenny Cherrytree
Phone: 503-307-3729
Portland Metro
David HouseFor information on construction projects and incidents in Multnomah, Clackamas, Columbia, Hood River and Washington counties, contact David House.
Phone: 503-551-8641
Willamette Valley, North and Central Coast
Mindy McCarttFor information on construction projects and incidents in Columbia, Clatsop, Tillamook, western Washington, Marion, Yamhill, Lincoln, Polk, Linn, Benton and Lane counties, contact Mindy McCartt.
Phone: 503-507-6045
Southwestern Oregon
Julie DenneyFor information on construction projects and incidents in southwestern Oregon, contact Julie Denney
Phone: 503-949-2366
Central Oregon
Kacey DaveyFor information on construction projects and incidents in central Oregon, contact Kacey Davey.
Phone: 541-280-2716
Eastern Oregon
Vicki MolesFor information on construction projects and incidents in eastern Oregon, contact Vicki Moles.
Phone: 541-620-4527
Director's Office and the Oregon Transportation Commission
Kevin Glenn
For information related to the Oregon Department of Transportation's Office of the Director or the Oregon Transportation Commission, contact Communication Section Manager Kevin Glenn.
Phone: 503-910-5965
Website and Social Media
For information related to the Oregon Department of Transportation's social media, contact Sarah Stone
Phone: 503-599-0364
For information related to the Oregon Department of Transportation's website, contact
Sally Ridenour
Phone: 503-576-9577
Questions, comments or concerns?Call 1-888-Ask-ODOT or1-888-275-6368
Email us
Fill out a request form.
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