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Media Contacts

Chris Crabb
For issues related to Driver and Motor Vehicle Services programs, contact spokesperson Chris Crabb​​.

Phone: 971-304-9705

Katherine Benenati
For statewide issues related to highways, bridges, construction and maintenance contact Katherine Benenati. For local highway and construction questions contact a regional public information officer.

Phone: 503-986-4180

Cell: 503-871-0388

Jenny Cherrytree
For issues relating to the Oregon Road Usage Charge Program, OReGO, or RUC West, please contact Jenny Cherrytree​

Phone: 503-307-3729

Anna Howe

For questions regarding the I-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project, please contact Rose Gerber. For questions regarding the I-205 Improvements Project, please contact Ryan McCrary. For all other questions related to Urban Mobility Strategy, Tolling, etc. please contact Anna Howe.​

Rose Gerber: 503-470-3127​

Ryan McCrary: 503-983-5506

Anna Howe: 503-877-7101


Chris Crabb
For issues related to trucking programs, contact spokesperson Chris Crabb​.

Phone: 971-304-9705​

Matt Noble
For questions about our Climate Office, transportation planning, data or multimodal programs, contact Matt Noble​.

Phone: 503-779-9868

Don Hamilton

For questions about transportation data, research or our GIS mapping unit, contact Don Hamilton​.

Phone: 503-704-7452

Mindy McCartt
For statewide issues related to safety programs contact Mindy McCartt​.

Phone: ​503-509-2597

Don Hamilton

For questions about our Speed Zone Review Panel or setting speed limits, contact Don Hamilton​.

Phone: 503-704-7452​

Anna Howe
For any questions or issues related to public and active transportation, including STIF, Safe Routes to School, public transit, contact Anna Howe​.

Anna Howe: 503-877-7101

Jenny Cherrytree
For issues relating to the Amtrak Cascades and Oregon POINT, please contact Jenny Cherrytree​

Phone: 503-307-3729​

David House
For information on construction projects and incidents in Multnomah, Clackamas, Columbia, Hood River and Washington counties, contact David House.

Phone: 503-551-8641​

​Mindy McCartt
For information on construction projects and incidents in Columbia, Clatsop, Tillamook, western Washington, Marion, Yamhill, Lincoln, Polk, Linn, Benton and Lane counties, contact Mindy McCartt.

Phone: 503-507-6045

Julie Denney
For information on construction projects and incidents in southwestern Oregon, contact Julie Denney

Phone: 503-949-2366​

Kacey Davey
For information on construction projects and incidents in central Oregon, contact Kacey Davey​.

Phone: 541-280-2716

Vicki Moles
For information on construction projects and incidents in eastern Oregon, contact Vicki Moles.

Phone: 541-620-4527​

Kevin Glenn

For information related to the Oregon Department of Transportation's Office of the Director or the Oregon Transportation Commission, contact Communication Section Manager Kevin Glenn.

Phone: 503-910-5965

For information related to the Oregon Department of Transportation's social media, contact Sarah Stone

Phone: 503-599-0364

For information related to the Oregon Department of Transportation's website, contact

Sally Ridenour

Phone: 503-576-9577


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