Project Development contains a detailed statewide framework for the development of a transportation project.
It defines and provides expectations, deliverables and requirements for statewide delivery and begins with the assignment of a project leader, local agency liaison or consultant project manager to a project approved in the STIP.
Use this link, or the linked image to the left, to access the complete
Project Delivery Guidebook.
All of the content listed below can be quickly located by using the "bookmark" tool to the left of the text. This will show a linked index within the document.
Project Initiation and Kick-Off: This phase provides detailed information about how a project is first initiated and includes:
- Project team
- Review and confirm project scope
- Roadway conceptual design
- Bridge design startup
- Consultant contracts
- Intergovernmental agreements
- Public involvement plan
Project Management Plan: This phase provides detailed information about development of Project Management Plans where standard operating procedures are not being used.
Design Acceptance: This phase provides detailed information about the Design Acceptance milestone, which is a critical decision point that establishes the geometric boundaries of the project footprint and allows for the concurrent right-of-way, permitting, and construction contract document activities to move forward. It contains important task information including:
- Mobility Strategy and Transportation Management Plan
- Roadway design
- Access management
- Environmental studies
- Traffic design
- Bridge and structure design
- Geo/Hydro design and studies
- Draft railroad maps
- Design acceptance review and completion
- Draft DAP
This phase also includes detailed information about the Design Acceptance milestone deliverables and expectations for document storage.
Permits and Clearances: This phase provides detailed information about what permits and clearances are required for projects in order to meet regulations. It includes information about who is responsible for acquiring the permits and certain tasks involved with obtaining permits and clearances.
- Permits and clearances list
- Permits and clearances tasks
- Categorical exclusion close out documents
- FHWA review of categorical exclusion
Right of Way: This phase provides detailed information about ROW requirements. Right of entry permits are needed to access property, right of way also provides other real property acquisition related input into development of project design plans. This section includes information about the following:
- Right of way development
- Right of way engineering
- Proposed right of way staking
- Right of way acquisition
- Right of way certification
- Clearing the right of way
- Railroad maps
- Railroad right of way purchases and related agreements
Plan Development: This phase provides detailed information about the expectations, requirements and deliverables for Preliminary Plans, Advanced Plans and Final Plans milestones of project development.
Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E): This phase provides a high-level overview of PS&E. The Project Controls Office is responsible for facilitating this process and maintains the process and guidance. Please see the
Phase Gate Delivery Manual for more information.
Advertisement, Bid, and Award: This phase provides a high level overview of the Ad, Bid, and Award phase. Between the Office of Project Letting and the Statewide Construction Office, these processes and guidance’s are maintained by these offices. Please see the
Construction Contracting Manual for more information.
Construction Management Transition: This phase provides a high-level overview of construction management transition leading practices. Construction management processes and guidance are maintained by the Statewide Construction office. Please see the
Construction Manual for more information.