Fact Sheets
Camping on state highway right of way (2021) - An overview of how camping under bridges or along highways impacts the highway system.
Clearing Crashes - Why does it take so long to re-open a road after a truck overturns?
Highway Exits and Mileposts in the Portland Metro Area - A guide to highway signs, and names for highway and interstate mileposts and exits in the Portland Metro area.
Ramp Meters: Frequently Asked Questions
Social Media Posts
Our Communications team works with partners to create social media memes and visual posts to highlight safety-related issues in a memorable and humorous way.
Social media album on Flickr
Popular Publications
Bridge Conditions Report - The annual report summarizes bridge condition ratings on state highways and performance measures based on the National Bridge Inventory and ODOT data. As a consistent reference point for evaluation, ODOT uses the bridge conditions snapshots provided annually to the Federal Highway Administration.
Winter Driving Guide - This brochure provides safety tips for traveling Oregon's highways in winter conditions.