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Plans, Architectures & Reports


Transportation Systems Operations 2023 Annual Report

This report documents the 2023 System Operations and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Traffic - Roadway accomplishments.

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Oregon ITS Architecture Report

This report documents the Oregon Statewide Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Architecture, which was originally created in 1998. The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) collectively developed this plan and the outcome is a long-term phased deployment of ITS projects, which include advanced technologies and management techniques, aimed to improve the safety and efficiency of the transportation system.

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ODOT Broadband Strategy & Implementation Plan

The Modern Transportation System priority includes an action to develop and implement
an integrated broadband strategy in 2022. It recognizes that broadband technology is a key
infrastructure building block for a modern transportation system. The broadband strategy aims
to prepare ODOT for future transportation needs, and this plan describes the goals, strategies,
and actions needed for ODOT’s integrated broadband strategy.

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Traffic Signals


Traffic Signal Management Plan

The purpose of this Traffic Signal Management Plan (TSMP) is to provide a framework for the management of the traffic signal system by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT). A traffic signal system is defined as the hardware and software at an intersection that is used to operate a "local" traffic signal, the central traffic signal system that is used to monitor and manage (and sometimes control) the local traffic signals, and the communications infrastructure needed to connect the local and central components.

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Operations Program Performance Measures Plan


Transportation System Management & Operations PM Plan

The goal for this plan is to create actionable performance measures which directly support the stewardship of Oregon’s transportation system by improving the efficiency of the transportation system; by optimizing operations and management, and actively managing transportation assets to extend their life and reduce maintenance costs.

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Operations Program Plan

This Operations Program plan could potentially address some of the challenges with management and operations strategies. In addition, the policy context and the business case presented in the plan strengthens the need to implement the Operations Program plan.

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Region 1

2021 TSMO Portland Metro Region.PNG  

2021 TSMO Portland Metro Region

This transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) strategy is an innovative, holistic, multimodal, and cost-effective approach to managing the region's existing transportation systems by improving business practices and collaboration, encouraging behavior changes through travel demand management, and using technology to understand and manage how the system operates.  This planning effort was led by Metro with its partners: ODOT, TriMet, Clackamas County, Multnomah County, Washington County, and the City of Portland.

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Region 2


Salem Keizer Plan

The Salem-Keizer Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Plan was collectively developed by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), the City of Salem, the City of Keizer, Marion County, Polk County, the Mid Willamette Valley Council of Governments (MWVCOG), the Willamette Valley Communication Center (WVCC) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The outcome is a 20-year deployment plan of ITS projects, which includes advanced technologies and management techniques, aimed to improve the safety and efficiency of the transportation system and to improve the driving experience for travelers in the Salem-Keizer Metropolitan Area. This effort is consistent with plans put together in other regions statewide to ensure that ITS strategies used are integrated and complementary.

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Central Willamette Valley Plan (Corvallis-Albany and surrounding area) - 2010

The Central Willamette Valley Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Plan defines advanced technologies that support regional transportation initiatives such as promoting travel options, optimizing transportation system performance, and reducing the frequency and effects of incidents.  This planning effort was led by ODOT ITS that included the following partners: Benton County, Benton County Sheriff's Office, City of Albany, City of Corvallis, City of Lebanon, City of Millersburg, City of Philomath, FHWA, Linn County, Linn County Sheriff's Office, and Oregon State University.

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I-5 Optimization Plan

The I-5 Optimization Project identifies low cost, operational improvements to address safety and mobility over the next five years. The Interstate 5 (I-5) corridor between Salem and Albany experiences unreliable travel times, congestion, and delays caused primarily by non-recurring events. The ODOT internal project team evaluated strategies that could be implemented quickly with a relatively low cost to improve the corridor operations. Four system management strategies offer the greatest potential benefits and return on investment for the study corridor and are recommended for implementation: traffic surveillance, ramp metering, incident information signs, and variable speeds signs.

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Central Lane County Intelligent Transportation Systems Plan - 2021

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) leverage technology and support systems to help achieve a safer and more effective, equitable, and multimodal transportation system for the mobility of people, goods, and services.  This plan outlines the future of ITS deployment for Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization area roadway owners, operators, and end users.  This planning effort was led by Lane Council of Governments along with its partners: ODOT, Lane Transit District, Lane County, City of Eugene, and City of Springfield.

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US20/OR34 Optimization Study - 2015

The US 20/OR 34 Optimization Study seeks to identify low cost, operational improvements to address safety and mobility within the study corridor. The 2.2 mile corridor is a critical segment of highway for commuter, freight and recreational traffic.

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Region 3


Rogue Valley ITS Plan

The Regional Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Operations & Implementation Plan for the Rogue Valley Metropolitan Area was collectively developed by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), Jackson County, the City of Medford, the Rogue Valley Transportation District (RVTD), the Rogue Valley Council of Governments (RVCOG), the Rogue Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (RVMPO), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and Southern Oregon Regional Communications (SORC). The outcome of this plan is a 20-year deployment of ITS projects, which include advanced technologies and management techniques, aimed to improve the safety and efficiency of the transportation system. This effort is consistent with plans put together in other regions statewide to ensure that ITS strategies used are integrated and complementary.

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Region 4


Deschutes County Plan

ODOT has worked collaboratively with Deschutes County and the cities of Bend, Sisters, Redmond, and La Pine to implement technology solutions to improve safety and management of the transportation system. This ITS plan incorporates newly identified needs and operations in the county, embraces advanced technology, prepares for emerging technologies, and provides support for a more integrated, collaborative system of operations and management.

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Klamath County Plan

This ITS Plan focuses on improving the operations and safety for the Klamath County roadway network. The ITS Plan for Klamath County is a collaborative process between ODOT, Klamath County, City of Klamath Falls, and FHWA. It focuses on both the urban and rural areas, and offers ITS strategies to improve transportation throughout the county. The key goals of the Klamath County ITS plan are to improve the safety and efficiency of the transportation system, improve multi-modal traveler information, and to improve partnerships between agencies that operate the transportation network.

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Bend Communication Plan - 2010

This Communication Plan includes an overview of existing ITS and communications infrastructure, the recommended communications media, and the planned ITS and communications infrastructure with a phased deployment plan that includes maps and project descriptions.

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Lower John Day ITS Plan

The Lower John Day Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Plan identifies and prioritizes ITS investments that address the needs, goals, and objectives of the region over the next several years.

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Region 5


I-84 Plan

This project evaluated over 200 miles of I-84 and I-82 in eastern Oregon, between Boardman and Ontario, seeking to find transportation system management and operations (TSMO) solutions to improve safety and operations along the two interstate routes. The study area encompasses all of I-84 and I-82 in ODOT Region 5. The study area is mostly rural, with two-lanes of interstate in each direction and often over ten miles between interchanges.

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