Federal Functional Classification is the system by which roads are grouped into functional systems according to the type of service and amount of traffic the facility carries. Federal Functional Classification is used to determine design standards of roads and determines Federal Aid funding eligibility. Federal Functional Classification is assigned to all public roads using federal guidelines and is approved by the Federal Highway Administration.
Federal Functional Classification updates can be made at any time by contacting your ODOT Region planner or
EmailEmailRoad Inventory & Classification Services.
After each U.S. Decennial Census, the Federal Highway Administration requires states to review and update their Federal Aid Urban Boundaries and Federal Functional Classification. Oregon will begin this review process in the winter of 2023 once the urban data is received from the U.S. Census Bureau. This process requires the cooperation of all local agencies that own or manage public roads. More information can be found on the FAUB/FFC Update page.
Federal Aid Eligibility
Federal Aid eligible roads include roads federally designated as:
- Urban minor collector
- Major collector
- Minor arterial
- Principal arterial
- Interstate
Federal Aid eligible roads are shown on the following products:
How to Update Federal Aid Eligible Roads
Local agencies that own or manage public roads may coordinate with their ODOT Region Planner and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to request updates or additions to the Federal Functional Classification System. Please fill out the change request form below using the instructions and return the Functional Classification Change Request Form to
EmailEmailEmailEmailEmailEmailEmailEric Arndt.
National Highway System
The National Highway System, or NHS, includes the Interstate Highway System as well as other roads important to the nation's economy, defense, and mobility.
The NHS was developed by the Federal Department of Transportation in cooperation with the states, local officials, and metropolitan planning organizations.
Changes to NHS may be requested by contacting
Email Road Inventory & Classification Services.
ODOT records
Video Logs on all NHS routes.
Roads on the National Highway System can be viewed in our TransGIS application.