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Oregon Buys is the web-based eProcurement system for the state of Oregon's procurement process.
ODHS contractors must adhere to requirements for background checks as described in OAR 407-007-0200 through 407-007-0370.
Providers must submit the W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification form prior to contract execution to:
W-9 request form Don't have one? Apply for one online
The state of Oregon must enter into contracts with legal entities that are registered with the Secretary of State (exception: sole proprietor, government entity).
Information about the contract process, additional resources for providers/vendors and learn about inclusion and diversity certification programs for additional resources and assistance.
Contracts and procurement
ODHS providers are required to enroll in Electronic Funds Transfer for payment.
ODHS Child Welfare providers use an invoice to bill for services. The invoice requires Excel 2007 or newer. Earlier versions of Excel are not supported and pose a security risk. Watch the orientation video and read full instructions in the spreadsheet before filling out the invoice.
Once the invoice is complete, protect and save the invoice in Excel format and email it to the City/Branch contact where the service was provided. If service was provided in more that one City/Branch, submit an invoice for each.
Note: If child is in tribal custody, but case is open to a local ODHS office, submit to office listed on your service authorization.
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