2024 TA-DVS grant increase
The Temporary Assistance for Domestic Violence Survivors program (TA-DVS) now provides eligible families and pregnant individuals up to $3,200 over a 90-day certification period to help meet individual safety needs as determined by their safety plan and policy.
Funding and technical assistance contacts
Funding Flow Chart (PDF) - Provides information on joint funds, links to contacts for state and federal funders, and links to Oregon technical assistance programs (Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence and Oregon Sexual Assault Task Force).
Reporting instructions and templates
Annual statistical report and instructions
Annual narrative report
Report Due Date Tracker (Excel) - Outlines due dates for reports on DVSA-related funds from ODHS. Includes reports for grant funding thru the Joint Allocation Process and contract funding for co-located advocates at ODHS. Identifies due dates for financial, statistical and narrative reports.
The Domestic and Sexual Violence (DSV) Services Statewide Report is required of non-profit organizations and Tribal Nation victim services programs that receive Joint Non-Competitive Funds from ODOJ and ODHS. This report replaces the long-standing “Striving to Meet the Need" report. The DSV Services Statewide Report must be submitted every six months with the progress reports for the Joint Non-Competitive Funds.
Instructions for tracking and submitting data required by this report may differ depending on the type of software used (e.g. OSNIUM). Recorded webinars are available to watch for further guidance.
Certification of Practice Values requirements
Equity formula
Equity Formula - Guides the Joint Domestic and Sexual Violence Funding Process of the Oregon Department of Justice and the Oregon Department of Human Services. The
2006 Equity Allocation Study recommended that state and federal domestic and sexual violence (DV/SA) funds be combined and distributed in a non-competitive process, based on a formula for distribution by county. The two overarching goals are meaningful access to DV/SA services for survivors and stability for programs.
Co-located DV advocates at ODHS
Co-located DV advocates are staff from nonprofit, community based DV agencies who are available on site in Self-Sufficiency and Child Welfare offices. The goal of having advocates co-located is to provide confidential advocacy and support for ODHS survivors and their children.
Working Together Manual - A guide for advocates to navigate ODHS and for ODHS staff to understand the benefits of co-location.
Confidentiality and privilege
FVPSA and VAWA funding prohibits programs from sharing any personally identifying information. This includes demographic information, if it would be unique enough to be identifying. The State of Oregon has adopted identical confidentiality language for all recipients of joint funding. See Grant Agreement - Confidentiality.
- The only time programs are allowed to release any information, including whether or not they are working with someone, is with a voluntary, informed, specific, and time-limited release of information.
- The other exceptions are if the advocate is a mandatory reporter or if there is a court order. Advocates in Oregon are exempt from mandatory reporting, see
ORS 419B.005 (5)(z)(bb)(B).
Domestic and sexual violence victims can hold
privileged conversations with advocates working in qualified victim services programs who have completed the specified 40 hours of training. Along with this privilege comes the
duty of confidentiality on the part of such advocates.
Documenting our work (DOW)
Although the thought of evaluation can be daunting, there are some good reasons why we want to evaluate the job we are doing. The most important is that we want to understand the impact of what we are doing on people's lives. Evaluation is also important because it provides us with hard evidence to present to funders, encouraging them to continue and increase our funding. The following guide and evaluation forms may help you design an evaluation process for your agency.
DUNS numbers
Learn how to get or renew your
DUNS number.
This program is supported by Grant Number 2301ORFVPS from the Office on Family Violence Prevention and Services/FVPSA within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office on Family Violence Prevention and Services/FVPSA