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Oregon Department of Human Services Search Site

Temporary Assistance for Domestic Violence Survivors (TA-DVS)

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This program helps families experiencing domestic violence with moving costs and items to stay safe. We can help you and your children with temporary cash assistance so you can leave to stay safe from abuse.

Call your local office to talk about the safest way to apply.

This program​ is for people who:

  • Live in Oregon.
  • Meet income limits for the ​ ​​Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.
  • Are a parent or relative taking care of a minor child, or are pregnant.​
  • Are at risk of domestic violence,​ either now or in the future.
    • ODHS defines domestic violence as hurting, threatening or putting someone down or making them afraid. It also includes trying to control them or make them do things they don't want to do.
    • This includes violence done by family members, partners or people who live in the same house.​

You can get up to $3,200 over a 90-day period. 

  • We will directly pay the landlord or service provider for moving costs and items to ​help you stay safe.
  • The amount you get is based on your sit​ua​tion. 
  • You can get help more than once a year. 

This program may help pay for things like:

  • Deposits for rent or utilities
  • Replacing essential ​items left behind, like clothes or furniture
  • New locks
  • Security cameras
  • Post office boxes, and more.

You will also get help and guidance for ​safety planning.​

There are several ways to apply. Call your local office to talk about the safest way to apply.

  • In person or by phone
    • Find your local office
    • Many of our offices have ODHS employees who are experts in helping survivors of domestic violence.
    • Community domestic violence advocates also work in some ODHS offices. They provide direct onsite safety planning and support. Since they are not State of Oregon employees, ​they don't have to follow mandatory reporting laws and can provide confidential support.
  • ​By email, fax or mail
    • ​​Fill out an applicat​ion form (below) and send i​​t by email, fax or mail.
    • To fax or mail an application: Find your local office​ and cl​​ick "View details" to see their fax number and mailing address.
    • To email an application: Find your local office​ ​and call to request the email address.

This program helps victims of violent crimes with expenses related to the crime. This may include things l​ike counseling expenses​, medical expenses and lost wages​. 

The pr​ogram is available to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and other crimes. Visit the Oregon Department of Justice website​ to learn more.

Is this an emerge​ncy? Call 9-1-1 or your local law enforcement agency.​

Do you need a domestic violence service provider or shelter right away?


Domestic violence resourcesBenefits questionsReport abuse or neglect