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Helping landowners

Financial incentives and technical assistance programs help private forest landowners obtain their goals for responsibly managing natural resources.

Helping private landowners photo

Assistance and incentive programs focus on helping landowners meet management objectives such as:

  • Protecting forests from insect and disease infestation
  • Increasing the monetary value of forestland and other natural resources
  • Increasing the environmental quality and value of forestland and natural resources

Programs are administered by a variety of different sources and the amount of financial assistance available varies. For information about receiving assistance after a wildfire, please visit the help after a fire page.

Contact the Forest Resources Division for additional questions about each program and to determine if you are qualified to receive financial assistance.

Financial help

Grow and manage forests

Growing new and sustaining already existing forests keeps Oregon healthy. ODF encourages landowners with non-forested land to grow trees and actively manage their new forest for the many benefits forests provide. The department does this through incentives to help the landowner manage the new forest and ensure they can harvest the timber. ODF can help you access and understand how the incentive works.   

​​To help landowners develop long-term forest management plans, ODF can help them access funds and incentives through the federal Forest Stewardship Program.

Visit the Oregon​ Forest Stewardship Program​​ or visit the US Forest Service Forest Stewardship Program.


Privately-owned forested lands can receive help to prevent them from being converted or developed into non-forested land and protect environmentally sensitive forest lands. Landowners are encouraged to obtain long-term conservation easements and implement sustainable forestry practices. To maximize the public benefit this achieves, ODF can help landowners access incentives through the federal Forest Legacy Program.

All properties under Oregon’s Forest Legacy Program have their forest resources and conservation values protected and managed using a State Forester approved Forest Stewardship Plan.  

The Forest Legacy Program seeks projects that strengthen local communities through state, local and private conservation partnerships. Landowner participation is voluntary. 

Visit the Oregon​ Forest Stewardship Program​​ or visit the US Forest Service Forest Stewardship Program.​


Growing community forests prevents forests from being changed to another use. To do this local governments and nonprofit groups acquire land to grow and sustain a community forest. They manage the forest for public benefit including recreation, income, wildlife habitat, stewardship demonstrations sites, and environmental education.

The federal government may provide up to $400,000 to help a community grow a forest through its Community Forest Program. 

Visit the Oregon Community Forest Program​ or visit the US Forest Service Community Forest Program​.

Conservation practices

To help landowners and forestry professionals maintain and start new conservation work on privately owned, non-industrial working forests and agricultural lands, ODF can help landowners access up to $200,000 through the federal Conservation Stewardship Program.

Visit the Oregon Conservation Stewardship Program​ or visit the US Natural Resources Conservation Service, Conservation Stewardship Program​.

Protect water and natural resources

​​​​Reducing erosion on highly erodible and other environmentally sensitive cropland can help improve water quality and enhance wildlife habitat. To help landowners protect soil, water, fish, and wildlife by growing the right trees and plants along streams, ODF can help landowners access incentives available through the federal Conservation Reserve Program (CRP).

​CRP pays a yearly rental amount in exchange for landowners removing environmentally sensitive land from forestry production and planting trees and plants that will improve environmental quality. 

View the Conservation​ Reser​ve Program.

​​​​To help conserve soil, water, and related natural resources on working lands, ODF can help landowners access funds for doing this work through the federal Environmental Quality Incentives Program.

View the Environmental Quality Incentives Program.​​

​​​To restore, protect, and enhance wetlands on private property which provide habitat for diverse wildlife and plant species, including those that are endangered and threatened, ODF can help forest landowners obtain incentives through the federal Agricultural Conservation Easement Program.

View the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program.​

Mitigate disease, insects, weeds and pests

​Family forest owners may access funds to battle bark beetles by preventing damage and restoring areas already impacted. ODF can help landowners access these federal funds.

  • The project should focus on preventing damage or restoring damaged forests, such as:
  • Thinning forests to reduce the risk of beetle attacks
  • Preparing or re-planting sites impacted by beetles
  • Priority goes to land next to current bark beetle outbreaks and those under imminent threat
  • Landowners with qualified projects receive reimbursement for up to 50% of their costs
  • Pruning costs and profitable salvage operations are not eligible
  • Funds are subject to local availability

Application form 

​​Landowners, public agencies, and others may obtain grants from the Oregon State Weed Board to control noxious weeds, the ones that are harmful to animals or the environment. ODF can help landowners pursue these grants.

View the Noxious Weeds Grant Program 

Additional programs

Other assistance

​Oregon Department of Forestry's stewardship foresters provide free technical assistance to private forest landowners and small woodland owners. Information and guidance includes:

  • Forest operation planning
  • Management plans development
  • State and national rules, laws, and regulations
  • Best management practices
  • Insect and disease issues
  • Reforestation
  • Young growth management
  • Financial incentives

​Find a stewardship forester in your area​​.

​​​​Forestry associations and organizations provide free educational information and resources to help forest landowners more effectively manage their forest resources. These associations and organizations also serve as advocates for forestry related issues and provide a valuable network of landowners and partners in the forestry industry.

Private forest consultants are available throughout the state to provide comprehensive assistance to landowners. Consultants provide many valuable services that are beyond the scope of public agency assistance programs. Many landowners find the services of a consultant to be especially valuable during the complex process of selling and harvesting timber. Consultants also can help landowners develop Forest Stewardship Plans. Contractors provide services such as site preparation, tree planting, vegetation management, surveying, road construction and timber harvesting.

​​Other state and federal agencies offer expertise in many areas directly affecting forest resources. These agencies regulate programs related to pesticide use, water quality, and fish and wildlife and offere valuable resources and assistance for forest landowners.​



​​​​​Universities and extension services provide professional and educational assistance to forest landowners and have many free publications and guides to help you better manage your forest.


Extension services

Other educational resources​

Replanting after wildfire video


More videos

Bark beetles part 1 video


More videos

Our forest: One family's legacy video


