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Oregon Department of Agriculture Search Site

License Categories


The use of pesticides in the production of agricultural crops and livestock, or on agricultural lands, including Christmas trees, commercial nurseries, and rangeland.


  • Herbicide: The use of herbicides on agricultural lands, including Christmas tree plantations, commercial nurseries, and rangeland.
  • Insecticide/fungicide: The use of insecticides, fungicides or nematicides on agricultural lands, including Christmas tree plantations, commercial nurseries, and rangeland.
  • Vertebrate pest: The use of pesticides in agricultural areas for the control of vertebrate pests other than livestock predators.
  • Livestock pest: The use of pesticides for the control of livestock pests, such as insects, mites and ticks.
  • Soil fumigation: The use of soil applied fumigants on agricultural lands.


The use of pesticides in treating standing or running water.


This is a stand-alone exam for the Pesticide Consultant License. This exam does not allow a person to make pesticide applications. Consultant may add the Demonstration and Research category to their license in order to use pesticides in field research and for educational demonstrations.

Demonstration and Research

The use of pesticides in field research and educational demonstrations.


The use of pesticides on forest lands or in the production of forest crops (does not include Christmas tree plantations or commercial nurseries).

Industrial, Institution, Health and Structural (I.I.H.S.)


  • General pest: The use of pesticides, other than fumigants, in or around structures, institutions, and industrial facilities, or structures with processed or manufactured products for the control of pests other than wood-destroying pests.
  • Structural: The use of pesticides, other than fumigants, in or around structures for the control of wood-destroying pests.
  • Moss control: The use of pesticides to control moss and algae on structures, sidewalks and driveways.
  • Space fumigation: The use of fumigants in confined areas or structures for the control of pests.
  • Wood treatment: The use of pesticides, including fumigants, to treat wood products (lumber, poles, ties) before their use in construction, or to field treat utility poles, pilings, bridge supports and similar elements of construction.

Marine Fouling

This is a stand-alone exam for a Public or Commercial Applicator license. The use of marine anti-fouling paints or coatings on boats or ships.

Ornamental and Turf

The use of pesticides in the establishment and maintenance of ornamental planting and turf (does not include Christmas tree plantations, commercial nurseries, sod farms, or forests).


  • Herbicide: The use of pesticides in the establishment and maintenance of ornamental plants and turf, including vertebrate pest control.
  • Insecticide/fungicide: The use of insecticides and fungicides in the establishment and maintenance or ornamental plants and turf.


This is a stand-alone exam for the Private Applicator License. To purchase or use restricted-use pesticides on land in agricultural production that a person owns, rents, or leases.

Public Health

The use of pesticides for the control of any pest that may be harmful to the public's health, including mosquitos and other vectors.

Regulatory Weed

This category is only available to Public Applicators. The use of pesticides for the control of plants designated as noxious weeds.


The use of pesticide in right-of-way areas.

School Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

It covers the use of pesticides on the campus of a school (defined in ORS 634.700), excluding applications of pesticides:

  • Using power-driven equipment;
  • To control wood-destroying pests, bed bugs, lice, fleas, ticks, and adult mosquitoes;
  • Classified as restricted use pesticides (RUPs);
  • Formulated as total release foggers (except antimicrobial and insecticidal soap products);
  • Not registered by the Oregon Department of Agriculture; and
  • To locations not covered by the school's adopted integrated pest management plan.

Seed Treatment

The use of pesticides on seed.
