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Oregon Department of Agriculture Search Site

Board of Agriculture

The 10-member State Board of Agriculture advises the Oregon Department of Agriculture on policy issues, develops recommendations on key agricultural issues, and provides advocacy of the state's agriculture industry in general.

State law requires that seven of the appointed members be actively engaged in the production of agricultural commodities; two board members must represent consumers; and, the tenth member is the chair of the Soil and Water Conservation Commission. The ODA director and dean of the College of Agricultural Sciences at Oregon State University serve as ex-officio members of the board without the right to vote.

The board issues a biennial report to the Governor and Legislative Assembly regarding the status of Oregon's agriculture industry. The board meets quarterly at various locations around the state.

​The Oregon State Board of Agriculture welcomes public participation and receiving comments from members of the public. Public comments may be written or verbal on topics before the board and general agriculture, food and fiber related topics.  Written comments and requests to provide verbal comments may be sent via email to Board Coordinator Karla Valness​ prior to the quarterly meeting.  Refer to individual meetings for deadlines to submit public comment.  For tips on providing comments see Guidelines for Public Comment or Presentations resource below.​

​​This meeting will be held in person with a virtual option to attend.  See agenda for details.

Public Comment
The State Board of Agriculture welcomes written and verbal public comment on any agenda item or general agriculture, food and fiber topic.  Public Comment Submission Closes at 5 pm on Tuesday, November 25, 2025.

Written comment and requests to make verbal comments may be submitted via email to Board Coordinator Karla Valness​.  Written comments submitted by the deadline will be provide to the board in advance of the meeting.  Verbal comment is limited to three minutes and will be heard on each day of the board meeting.  See agenda for details.

​This meeting will be held in person with a virtual option to attend.  See agenda for details.

Public Comment
The State Board of Agriculture welcomes written and verbal public comment on any agenda item or general agriculture, food and fiber topic.  Public Comment Submission Closes at 5 pm on Tuesday, August 26, 2025.

Written comment and requests to make verbal comments may be submitted via email to Board Coordinator Karla Valness​.  Written comments submitted by the deadline will be provide to the board in advance of the meeting.  Verbal comment is limited to three minutes and will be heard on each day of the board meeting.  See agenda for details.​

​This meeting will be held in person with a virtual option to attend.  See agenda for details.

Public Comment
The State Board of Agriculture welcomes written and verbal public comment on any agenda item or general agriculture, food and fiber topic.  Public Comment Submission Closes at 5 pm on Tuesday, May 27, 2025.

Written comment and requests to make verbal comments may be submitted via email to Board Coordinator Karla Valness​.  Written comments submitted by the deadline will be provide to the board in advance of the meeting.  Verbal comment is limited to three minutes and will be heard on each day of the board meeting.  See agenda for details.​

​This meeting will be held in person with a virtual option to attend.  See agenda for details.

Public Comment
The State Board of Agriculture welcomes written and verbal public comment on any agenda item or general agriculture, food and fiber topic.  Public Comment Submission Closes at 5 pm on Tuesday, March 4, 2025.

Written comment and requests to make verbal comments may be submitted via email to Board Coordinator Karla Valness​.  Written comments submitted by the deadline will be provide to the board in advance of the meeting.  Verbal comment is limited to three minutes and will be heard on each day of the board meeting.  See agenda for details.

Oregon Department of Agriculture
635 Capitol St NE, Suite 350
Salem, OR 97301

Meeting Agenda​ - Updated 3/3/2025

Resolutions under review
Resolution packet for March 2025

This meeting will be held in-person with a virtual option to attend. See agenda for details.


Best Western Plus - Agate Beach Inn

3019 North Coast Highway

Newport, OR 97365

Meeting Recordings
December 17, 2024 - Part 1
December 18, 2024 - Part 2
December 18, 2024 - Part 3
December 19, 2024 - Part 4 ​


Board Meeting - December 17-19, 2024​

Resolutions under review

Resolution packet for December 2024​​​​​​​

Pre-meeting materials

December meeting packet - Draft 12/10/2024

Meeting materials
Agenda item 02
Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission
Oregon Albacore/Salmon Commissions

Agenda item 04
2025_27 ODA Governors Budget Summary 12.17.24

Agenda item 08
Peter Kenagy, Ag for Oregon
Barb Iverson, Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm

Agenda item 10
COMES OSU presentation

Agenda item 11
ODA Collaboration presentation​

This meeting will be held in-person with a virtual option to attend. See agenda for details.

​Location:​ ​​
Blue Mountain Community College
Precision Irrigated Agriculture Facility
Conference Room PIAF-127
2121 S 1st Street
Hermiston, OR 97838


Workgroup A - Tuesday, September 10

Workgroup B - Tuesday, September 10

Board Meeting - Wed, Sept 11 and Thurs, Sept 12

Meeting Recording Sept 11 Part 1
Meeting Recording Sept 11 Part 2
Meeting Recording Sept 12

Resolutions under view
Resolution packet September 2024

Meeting Materials
Agenda Item 01
Draft meeting minutes - June 2024

Agenda Item 02
​Agency Request Budget Summary

Agenda Item 03
​ODA Natural Resources Initiatives ​

Agenda Item 04
Written Public Comments

Agenda Item 06
OSU Hermiston Agricultural Research & Extension Center

Agenda Item 08
Farmers Ending Hunger

Agenda Item 10
ODA Grasshopper Program

Agenda Item 11

​This will be a virtual infromation session hosted by the Oregon Department of Agricultue and Department of Land Conservation and Development. See agenda for details.

Meeting recording
August 20, 2024

August 20, 2024 - Joint Farm and Land Use Information Session

Meeting materials
Joint ODA DLCD presentation

This meeting will be held in-person with a virtual option to attend.  See agenda for details.

Memorial Building
Harney County Fairgrounds
69660 S Egan Street
Burns OR 97720

Workgroup A - Tuesday, June 4

Workgroup B - Tuesday, June 4

Board Meeting - Wed, June 5 and Thurs, June 6

Board Resolutions under review

Resolution packet June 2024​

Meeting Materials

Agenda item 01
DRAFT meeting minutes January 2024

DRAFT meeting minutes April 2024

Agenda item 02
2025-27 ODA LC-POP List

Agenda item 03
Census of Agriculture - Oregon update

Agenda item 04

High Desert Partnership Programs

Harney County video

Agenda item 05
Written comments for June 2024

Agenda item 08
ODA Strategic Plan 2024-2027

Agenda item 11

ODA Program Area Updates to the Board June 2024​

​This meeting will be held in-person with a virtual option to attend. See agenda for details.

State of Oregon North Valley Complex
26755 SW 95th Ave
Wilsonville, OR 97070
Meeting room entrance and parking in the rear (north side) of the building.


Board Meeting - Monday, April 29, 2024


Meeting recording - April 29

Meeting minutes (DRAFT) - April 29

Meeting Materials
Agenda Item 1

​2024 ODA Strategic Plan update

2024 ODA Strategic Plan Presentation

ODA Manifesto video​

​​​This meeting will be held in-person with a virtual option to attend.  See agenda for details.​​

The Grand Hotel - Bridgeport
7265 SW Hazel Fern Road
Tigard, OR 97224

Workgroup A - Tuesday, Nov 15​​
Workgroup B - Tuesday, Nov 15
Board meeting - Wed. Nov 16 and Thurs. Nov 17

Meeting Recording - November 16
Meeting Recording - November 17​
Meeting Minutes

Action Item
BOA letter to Governor-elect Kotek transition committee Nov 2022

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Board Resolutions under review
Resolution packet November 2022

Agenda item 01
Draft meeting minutes August 2022

Agenda item 02
2023-25 ARB ODA Program Prioritization List
2023-25 ARB ODA Reduction Options

Agenda item 04
Pesticide Stewardship Program - ODA presentation​

Agenda item 05
Memo to the Board - ODA DEQ Water Quality MOA
ODA-DEQ Water Coordination presentation​

Agenda item 06
Written Public Comments to the Board November 2022

Agenda item 07
OSU Extension Service presentation
OSU Extension Service Highlights
OSU Extension Service Information Sheet

Agenda item 08
ODA Produce Safety Program presentation

Agenda item 09
ODA Right to Farm presentation

Agenda item 10
Written Public Comment - Grant SWCD

Agenda item 11
Memo to the Board - 2023 Resolution Workgroups
ODA Program Area Updates to the Board November 2022


​​​Workgroup A & B work sessions will be held virtual.  See agendas for call in details.

Workgroup A agenda
Workgroup B agenda

Resolution packet September 2022​​
DRAFT Resolution 319 proposed edits 9.12.2022​​

Board Members


​Term Expires: 9/18/2027
First Term

Chad Allen is the owner/operator of Victor Dairy LLC in Tillamook, Oregon. Allen grew up on his family's dairy farm in Tillamook. After working in Australia and attending Oregon State University, where he graduated in 2000, he returned home and partnered with his father to form Victor Dairy. Allen and his wife Adrienne have five children, one girl and four boys. Allen serves or is a member with many groups including the Oregon Dairy Farmers Association Board of Directors, Tillamook County Creamery Association Board of Directors, Oregon Ag Heritage Commission, the Oregon Farm Bureau, and the Tillamook County Planning Commission.​​


Term Expires: November 2024
Soil and Water Conservation Commission Chair

​As chair of Oregon’s Soil and Wa​​ter Conse​​​​​rvation Commission, Barbara Boyer is automatically a member of State Board of Agriculture. However, her interests and experiences go far beyond conservation issues. She’s part of a small business. She’s involved in community supported agriculture and the local farmers’ market. She is an organic producer but has grown conventionally. She’s involved in nutrition issues and is a passionate supporter of farmland preservation through land use efforts.

So it’s fair to say, Barbara Boyer hopes to bring more than just a conservation perspective.

Born and raised on the east coast, Boyer graduated from the University of Connecticut with a degree in plant science. She was also a scholarship athlete as part of the women’s gymnastics team. After graduation, Boyer set sights on Oregon’s nursery industry, which was booming in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Barbara and her husband Tom took over the family farm’s operations in 1999 and also created two businesses from their farm– a company called Gourmet Hay and a small community supported agriculture operation where families are paying to grow organic vegetables. Boyer is clearly an advocate for local agriculture. In 2000, Boyer co-founded the McMinnville Farmers’ Market.

In 2004, Stan Christensen, who had been a director with the Yamhill County Soil and Water Conservation District for more than a half century, decided to retire. One of his last duties was to knock on Barbara Boyer’s door and ask her to run for his position at the SWCD. Just as it was when she was recruited by UConn to be part of the gymnastics team, Boyer said yes to Christensen and was elected.

The Yamhill County SWCD is considered cutting edge and many other districts around the state often seek its advice on a number of issues, especially farmland preservation. It’s not surprising that many of the tasks performed by the SWCD involve key issues facing the Board of Agriculture, including water quality and land use.​​

Term Expires: 10/10/2024
Second Term

From running the 400-meter relay for the University of Oregon track team to running his family’s hazelnut orchards, Bryan Harper is bringing a fresh perspective and an interesting background as a new member of the Board of Agriculture. As a sixth generation family farmer, Bryan serves as Vice-President of Harper Farms Incorporated in Junction City.

Harper’s story actually begins across the Atlantic Ocean, a continent away. He was born in Nairobi, Kenya, but was just 17-days old when his dad, mom, and four brothers and sisters relocated to the US. He’s been in Oregon ever since, growing up on the farm and watching with interest how is father handled the operation.

The opportunity to attend the University of Oregon as a psychology major, and as a sprinter on the track and field team, taught Harper about competition, something that those who farm for a living can appreciate. He has also learned the importance of getting involved in agricultural organizations. Harper has been active as a board member of the Lane County Farm Bureau. His youth stands out, and he hopes other young farmers and ranchers will follow his example.

Harper is especially interested in promoting co-existence in agriculture, one of the key issues often discussed by the Board of Agriculture. With Oregon farms being so diverse– not only in what is grown but how it is grown and marketed– he wants to understand and appreciate those who do things differently.

Away from agriculture, Harper continues his passion of flying airplanes.

Harper’s enthusiasm, combined with his willingness to work with others, will serve the Board of Agriculture very well.​​

​​Term Expires: 10/31/2026
Partial Term​

Ellie Norris is a second-generation blueberry farmer with Norris Farms located in the Umpqua Valley in Southern Oregon. She graduated from Oregon State University with earned degrees in biology and chemistry. After graduation, she worked in marine biology, then made the jump to outdoor apparel companies REI and Arc'teryx, where she specialized in opening new stores and developing training programs. In 2014, Ellie came home to the family blueberry farm and began the transition to owner/operator. Since returning, she has been active in the Oregon Blueberry Commission, the US Highbush Council, and the North American Blueberry Council.​


Term Expires: 12/02/2025
First ​Term

Lopez was born and raised in Oregon and is building an impressive career in the state’s wine industry. He started in the vineyard, working along-side his father a vineyard manager. After graduating high school, he earned a full-time job at a vineyard and earned a scholarship to attend the Chemeketa Eola Northwest Viticulture Center. There he earned an associate degree in winemaking. After several years of winemaking at several Willamette Valley vineyards he moved into management, and sales. In 2017, Lopez and his sister formed Red Dirt Vineyard Management Company. The business provides vineyard consultation from design to install, promotion, budget development, spray program management and winemaking expertise from vineyard to bottle.​

Term Expires:10/28/2024
First Term

Elin Miller and her husband, Bill, own Umpqua Vineyards and farm hazelnuts in Douglas County. She currently serves as the co-chair of the Oregon Wine Council and is a member of the Fall Creek Farm and Nursery Board. Elin is keenly interested in water quality, agricultural trade and how Oregon’s agricultural diversity is promoted to buyers around the world. Miller’s path to farming in Oregon is unique. Raised in Mesa, Arizona, Miller’s lifelong career in agriculture began when she joined FFA in high school, which led to executive positions in government, corporate and not-for-profit organizations and volunteer work up and down the west coast, Africa, China, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.


Term Expires: 12/02/2025
First Term

Orem grew up in Morrow County and earned an associate degree in Marketing and Business Management from Blue Mountain Community College. He is a first-generation farmer. In 2001, he began leasing a 2400-acre dryland wheat farm from a farmer he worked for in high school. Since then, he has grown his farm to 7000 acres. Orem converted all acres to direct seed – no till practices to conserve the topsoil and utilizes GPS and other technologies to reduce overlap of fertilizers and chemical treatments. He runs a 120 cow and calf operation, grows hay, and provides custom seeding and spraying.


Term Expires: 08/22/2024
Second Term

A native of Quito, Ecuador, Luisa Santamaria is an accomplished instructor of Spanish-speaking nursery workers, and a biologist who has shown an insatiable desire to learn as well as teach.

Santamaria works at Oregon State University’s North Willamette Research and Extension Center as a plant pathologist and bilingual educator. Her path to Oregon was filled with hard work and opportunities of which she took advantage. Coming to OSU in 2009, Santamaria’s immediate focus was on Oregon’s nursery industry. Her knowledge of soil borne pathogens has been invaluable to growers. But it’s her roots in teaching, combined with her language skills, that have filled an incredibly important niche in the industry, reaching Hispanic workers who not only are unable to speak English, but also may be illiterate or possess little formal education. Nurseries are seeing that this education and her trainings have a positive impact on workers and changing behavior during work activities.

Through Santamaria’s workshops and training manuals, Hispanic nursery workers have learned about conditions and plant diseases they should be looking for, proper use of pesticides, proper sanitation, and worker safety issues. She also has been instrumental in helping deliver on-farm food safety training for field workers. The berry industry, in particular, has a need and desire for outreach and education to improve food safety practices. As an extension educator with bilingual skills, Santamaria has become an important part of that process.

Santamaria hopes to provide the Board of Agriculture with a strong insight of the agricultural work force, which is largely made up of Spanish speakers.

Santamaria, who has two grown children, resides in Canby with her husband, Carlos Castellanos.​​​

​ ​

Term Expires:10/31/2026
Partial Term

Tyrel Kliewer is a third-generation Klamath Basin farmer, rancher, and part-time brewer. He graduated from Henley High School and Oregon State University, earning a degree in animal science. In addition to farming forage crops and raising Angus, Gelbvieh, and crossbred cattle, Kliewer is the owner and founder of Skyline Brewing Company. He is currently in the process of opening a taproom to showcase local agricultural products. As an active community member, Kliewer volunteers his time with the Klamath County 4-H and the local chapter of Future Farmers of America (FFA).​

Term Expires: 10/28/2024
First Term

​Josh Zielinski is a manager and owner of a mid-sized nursery and farming operation in the Willamette Valley. Zielinski provides a voice for the production of many crops including: grass seed, specialty seed, vegetable row crops, hops and hazelnuts. A native of Oregon, Zielinski grew up working on his family’s farm. After attending college in southern California and studying a year abroad in Argentina, he returned home to join the family business. When he is not running the family farm, Zielinski serves on the Oregon Association of Nurseries Board and Chemeketa Community College Horticultural Advisory Committee. He enjoys camping, hiking and gardening with his wife Kattie, who works in the wine industry.
