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Renew / Reinstate Optometry License

If you are currently a licensed Oregon optometrist, your license renewal link is emailed to you 45 days prior to the due date. If the Board doesn't have an active email address on file, the form is mailed to your address of record. 

Renewal is due on or before the due date. The due date is midnight on the first day of your birth month. 

Electronic renewals submitted by midnight on the due date are considered on time. Paper forms postmarked on the due date are considered on time.

Here's the link to the OHA survey if you are trying to renew with a paper renewal form.

If you are doing a residency in Oregon, you are a licensed OD. Here is a guide to your responsibilities when leaving Oregon.

Licensee Self-Service Licensee Portal​

Annual Eighteen (18) hours of CE credit
Each annual license renewal requires 18-hours of CE. Hours over the 18-hour requirement can be marked for carryover to the next license renewal if not be more than 2 years old at the renewal date.

TMOD & Observation CE
Each licensee must complete at least 9 hours of TMOD credit, and no more than 5 hours of observation credit (excess hours can be carried over to the next license year, if date appropriate). 

Self-Service Licensee Portal
Hours are entered in the Licensee Self-Service Licensee Portal​. CE can be entered on the fly--it doesn't have to be entered at license renewal. If a license record includes an ARBO OE Tracker number, any OE Tracker courses will be uploaded to your license record. 

Licensees are not required to upload documentation at the time of renewal. If you're selected for the monthly CE/CPR audit, you'll be required to submit documentation of any CE submitted for that renewal and a copy of the current CPR card. 

Letters and emails are sent to all licensees selected for audit and there is a 21-day response time. It is the licensee's responsibility to ensure that all records are submitted to meet the audit requirement. Failure to timely respond to the audit can lead to discipline and a civil penalty.​

Pain Management Course
For the f​irst renewal on or after January 1, 2020, licensees must report a one-time pain management course offered by the Oregon Pain Management Commission. Changing the Conversation About Pain is OBO Course #820. It's a free course offered by the Oregon Pain Management Commission. As of January 1, 2022, all licensees must complete at least 1 hour of pain management education every other license renewal. The Board accepts the Oregon Pain Management Commission course or other board-approved courses. ​​COPE-approved pain courses (other than EJ or PM categories) can be reported if completed on or after 1/10/22.

Law & Ethnics CE
Every two years each licensee must report 1 hour of law/ethics credit. Licensees can take Board approved courses, take the NBEO law exam or attend a Board meeting to earn the credit. Here's the Board's current approved law/ethics course list​ and links to NBEO. 

Cultural Competency Education
As of 7/1/21, licensees are required to complete at least 1 hour of cultural competency education for every other renewal and at first renewal after licensure.

​OBO accepts COPE-approved courses (other than EJ ​and PM courses), board-approved courses, and OHA-approved​ cultural competency courses. 

Licensee Self-Service Portal

​OBO's Licensee self-service portal​ is used for license renewal, mailing address updates, practice location updates, and document requests (verifications, license copies, licensee lists, etc.)

​Licensees are required to report changes in address, practice location, phone number, and email address to the Board via the portal. 

Instructions: Lapsed License Reinst​atement

​To reinstate your lapsed Oregon license, use these instr​uctions.​

Any licensee requests for status change (retired or lapsed) must be sent via email and use the Board's e-signature. The required elements of an acceptable e-signature are:​

  • Full legal name
  • License number
  • The last 4 digits of the licensee's social security number​​

​​If you were previously licensed as a doctor of optometry in Oregon, you may have your license reinstated if you were in good standing at the time you voluntarily surrendered your license or if it was suspended for nonpayment of the license renewal or late fee(s). Email Board staff​ to make the request to reinstate your license. ​​

​If your license is not an AT or ATI status, you'll be required to complete at least a board-approved 23-hour​ AOT course. Pacific University offers an online cou​rse.