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Continuing Education

Continuing Optometric Education (COE)
Every actively licensed doctor of optometry must complete at least 18 hours of clinical optometric courses each license year as a condition of license renewal.

Continuing education hours will cover 12-month periods and be reported with license renewal applications. Upon written request, the licensee may carry forward excess hours completed in the prior license year to the current license year--licensees renewing online can mark courses for carryover after entering the required minimum of 18 hours.

Of the required 18 hours, at least 9 hours each license year must be in the area of diagnosis, treatment, and management of ocular disease (TMOD). Credit will be given for no more than five (5) hours of live observation in an approved surgical facility per license year. OBO doesn't allow credit for COPE PM or EJ courses. Only report CE in half and full hour credits.

As of June 1, 2020, the Board will accept up to 5 hours of ACCME AMA PRA Category 1 in-person courses. The courses must fit within the definition in OAR 852-070-0010(2) as TMOD credit.

Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 852, Division 70 outlines the Optometry COE Requirements.

At initial licensure, a skills and knowledge-based CPR course is required. 

A CPR course is not considered continuing optometric education and no COE credit is given for CPR certification. The Oregon Administrative Rule which applies to CPR certification requirements for AT and ATI certification is OAR 852-080-0040(2)(e).

Please see CPR Requirements webpage for Accredited CPR Course Providers​.​

Oregon Health Authority 
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) requirements

The Oregon Legislature passed new legislation that affect healthcare licensees who prescribe scheduled medications. 

All licensees must report at least 1 hour of cultural competency education every other license​ year. Courses can be OBO-approved, COPE approved​ or approved by the Oregon Health Authority. ​​

Enter OHA cultural competency courses in the licensing system using OBO course #001. 

Enter the course hour(s) and date in the system--you can keep the placeholder name. 

Pacific University has several OBO approved online cultural competency courses. Pacific University's online CE courses are here.

Any courses that are not COPE approved or AMA PRA Category 1 live courses must be submitted to the Board for approval before credit will be granted. Surgical and clinical observation must be approved too, and can be approved for a three year period.

​ All continuing optometric education provided by other organizations must be submitted to the Board for approval before credit will be granted. 

Approval or denial of the continuing optometric education will be based on course information.​​​

​​​​​​​​At licensure, every applicant must complete the Oregon Laws & Administrative Rules exam​ administered through NBEO and pass with a score of ​80 or better. Once completed, have your scores sent to the Board for inclusion with your other license application materials.​​

Please visit the Laws, Rules, and Ethics Online Coursed webpage to view Approved Courses. Courses that are designated COPE category "E/J" are not automatically approved for this required hour. 

The required hours of continuing education each license year must be of different course content. When the Board determines that a licensee has submitted a course or lecture essentially identical to another presentation submitted in the same license renewal period, credit will be given for only one.

For the first renewal on or after January 1, 2020, licensees must report a one-time pain management course offered by the Oregon Pain Management Commission. 

As of January 1, 2022, all licensees must complete at least 1 hour of pain management education every other license renewal. The Board accepts the Oregon Pain Management Commission course or other board-approved courses.

After the initial course/renewal, licensees can complete a COPE pain course if it's not in the EJ or PM categories. COPE courses must be completed on or after 1/10/22. 

Pacific University has two approved COPE pain courses: 

Treatment and Management of Ocular Pain: NSAIDs and Opioids and Prescription Drug Diversion Clinical Management and Protection (OBO course #1031 for pain management credit). 

View Pacific University's online CE courses.​​

More Course Options:

Changing the Conversation about Pain​ course link--
Enter is as OBO course #820--NOT AMA
It's a free course offered by the Oregon Pain Management Commission.​

For information about the DEA's 8 hour pain management training program. This is currently the only DEA pain management​ program that is OBO approved (OBO Course #1233 is 1 hour of pain & add OBO # 1271 for 9 hours of TMOD credit). ​​

Approved Clinical or Observation Centers

Cataract & Laser Institute of Southern Oregon (expires​​ 3/23/24) OBO Course #926

Hollingshead Eye Center, P.C.​ (expires 9/23/23) OBO course #997 

Lane Surgery Center (expires 8/25/25) OBO Course #1098)

Lasikplus (expires 9/14/24) OBO Course #1000

McKenzie Surgical Center--Judith Sabah, MD (exp. 1/20/2025)​ OBO Course #1133

Medical Eye Center (expires 3/29/24)  OBO Course #957

NVision Eye Centers​​ (expires 9/15/2026) OBO Course # 1187

NW Eye Laser and Surgery Institute​ (expires 5/6/27) OBO course #1207

NW Permanente (expires 11/10/2024) OBO Course #1014​​

Oregon iLasik & Refractive​ (expires 10/12/2026) OBO Course #1196

Oregon Retina, LLP (clinical observation with Dr. Edwards expires 11/11/23)

Pacific Cataract and Laser Institute (expires 3/11/2024)  OBO Course #927--Clinical and Surgical Observation sites

Pacific Clearvision Institute (expires 12/7/2025) OBO Course # 1127

TLC Laser Eye Centers (expires 9/14/2024) OBO Course #1001