Members of the public may contact LUBA staff during regular business hours via phone, email, US Postal Service, commercial delivery service, web form submission, or in person by appointment. Response to phone and email inquiries may be delayed. LUBA staff will endeavor to respond to messages within one business day.
LUBA staff are available in person by appointment only for the limited purposes of picking up original
record items and hard copy responses to public records requests. LUBA does not
accept in-person filings.
Appointments must be confirmed with LUBA at least four (4) hours before the requested appointment time. LUBA will confirm an appointment is available as soon as practicable. Staff are available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. excluding the lunch hour of 12:00-1:00. Failure to arrive within 15 minutes after an appointment time will result in cancellation of the appointment and will require rescheduling.
Because final land use decisions are appealable to LUBA for review, LUBA cannot answer questions or give advice about pending local land use matters. LUBA cannot accept evidence or argument from non-parties regarding pending local land use matters or pending appeals.
If you have questions about pending local land use matters, the Oregon State Bar has a program through which you may be able to obtain an initial consultation of up to 30 minutes with a lawyer for a maximum fee of $35 (503-684-3763 or toll-free in Oregon at 800-452-7636). LUBA's website contains links to the rules and statutes that govern most aspects of local land use matters and appeals, as well as LUBA's headnotes, final opinions, and published orders.
For inquiries regarding agency-related legislative matters, please contact