About Coastal Zone Management
The Coastal Zone Management Program is a national program. It addresses coastal issues in coastal states and Great Lakes states and territories. The program is a voluntary partnership between the federal government and these states or territories. Authorized by the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) of 1972, the program provides the basis for protecting, restoring, and responsibly developing our nation's diverse coastal communities and resources. The Oregon Coastal Management Program (OCMP) is the state of Oregon’s implementation of the national program.
Learn more about Coastal Zone Management and the Oregon Coastal Management Program.
Recent Coastal Zone Management Meetings
Oregon Coastal Zone
OCMP covers the Oregon coastal zone. This watershed-based coastal zone was first expressed in 1971 by the Oregon Legislature. Within this zone, the OCMP applies to the land and water areas, except on lands owned by the federal government or held in trust under Indian tribal jurisdiction.
Where is the Oregon coastal zone?
Coastal Water Quality
The Coastal Zone Management Act Reauthorization Amendments of 1990 (CZARA) required coastal states to address "non-point source" (NPS) pollution. As the name suggests, there may not be a single specific point of origin for nonpoint source pollution. NPS pollution can come from everyday land uses such as construction sites, lawns and gardens, outdoor commercial and industrial activity, commercial timber lands, farms, roads, streets, and highways. The negative effects of NPS pollution include changes in water quality such as higher water temperature, altered pH, or lower dissolved oxygen. Activities such as vegetation removal, stream alteration, or increasing impervious areas in a watershed tend to make the problems worse over time.
Learn about Oregon's Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Control Program.
Public Access
Coastal public access is provided and protected by two major pieces of public policy; the famous Oregon Beach Bill of 1967 and Statewide Planning Goal 17: Coastal Shorelands.
Visit the Public Access page to learn more.