DLCD is part of a coordination program, called the Sage-Grouse Conservation (SageCon) Partnership. SageCon is comprised of local, state, and federal partners who work to preserve sage-grouse habitat and increase the sage-grouse populations in Oregon. To prevent the bird from being listed under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA), SageCon created an action plan, data, and tools to support the implementation of the Oregon Sage-Grouse Action Plan.
In 2015, the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) adopted administrative rules for implementing Goal 5 for sage-grouse (OAR 660-023-0115), otherwise known as the "Sage-Grouse Rule." The rule defines significant sage-grouse habitat and identifies land uses that conflict with sage-grouse mating and rearing. It directs counties to review applications for development permits using avoidance and mitigation criteria. The rule also sets a limit on the amount of core habitat that can be lost due to new development.
The Sage-Grouse Rule directed DLCD to create a registry to track human development that occurs over time in the sage-grouse habitat to ensure that the limit is not reached. The department maintains two online sage-grouse tools: a public viewer and a development registry. The viewer allows the public to see the amount and location of new development that has been permitted within sage-grouse habitat areas. The development registry is for local governments and state agencies to submit development projects to DLCD so that the amount of development occurring in core sage-grouse habitat can be monitored over time.
Sage-Grouse Development Registry Viewer
The Sage Grouse Rule (OAR 660-023-0115) also directs the agency to create an annual report for the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC). The report must provide information on the amount of new development that occurs each year within the priority areas for conservation. Here are the two most recent annual reports presented to LCDC.
Learn more about these tools and the SageCon partnership.