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Science Camps for Kids

Two girls dig into mudflatsSouth Slough Reserve science camps invite kids of all ages to explore the outside world through investigation, exploration, art, and fun. Programs are hands-on, interactive, and planned to fit campers' abilities and interests according to their grade level in school. 

Camps for younger kids incorporate nature-based games and songs, exploration, and play. Those for older children use focused exploration, experimentation, history, and data to examine the estuary. The high school level camp dives into local research and careers, with time for fun and socialization.

Camps are led by Reserve experts with years of experience in science education. They are supported by high school and college interns with an interest in environmental science and education. 

Available programs change, depending on the age of the campers, the season, and the year. Most activities occur at the Reserve, but some experiences may take campers to other parts of the surrounding watershed. 

Summer Camp Lottery Sign-up Opens March 21, 2025 – Stay tuned for details!

Additional Information

Please note that camps have a minimum enrollment to operate, and a maximum enrollment based on vehicle capacity. Camp fees help with snacks, travel, supplies, tools, t-shirts, and education intern stipends.


Jaime Belanger
Education Program Coordinator