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Lodge a Complaint

Private Investigator Complaints

The mission of DPSST is to cultivate excellence in public safety by delivering quality training and developing and upholding professional standards for police, fire, corrections, parole and probation, polygraph and telecommunications personnel, in addition to licensing private security providers and private investigators in Oregon.

​DPSST’s jurisdiction for Private Investigator complaints is limited to the standards required for private investigator licensure established by the Board on Public Safety Standards and Training. These standards can be found in Oregon Revised Statutes accessible in the link below. ​

OAR Chapter 259, Division 61

​Individuals filing a complaint with DPSST will receive confirmation of the receipt of the complaint and will be provided further instructions, as appropriate, by return mail.​

All information provided on this form is subject to Oregon’s Public Records Law (ORS 192.410 to 192.505). DPSST may be required to release the information provided on the form, including the identity of the complainant, if requested. ​

Online Submission - Complaint Form Online​​
Mail Submission - Complaint Form PDF

Upon receipt of a ​​complaint against a private investigator DPSST will:

  1. Review the complaint

  2. Forward the complaint and any supporting documentation to an Investigator for review if the complaint is found to be jurisdictional.

  3. File and maintain the complaint and any supporting documentation as a public record.

Things DPSST Gene​​​rally Cannot Do:

  1. ​Investigate crimes. DPSST does not have the authority to investigate/re-investigate crimes, regardless of the reason. That authority lies with law enforcement entities only. IF YOU ARE THE VICTIM OF A CRIME OR ARE IN IMMEDIATE DANGER, CALL 9-1-1.

  2. Criminally charge individuals. Similarly, DPSST does not have any authority to lodge criminal charges against any individuals, regardless of the reason. In Oregon, the authority to charge individuals with crimes lies solely with each county’s District Attorney’s office. Again, IF YOU ARE THE VICTIM OF A CRIME OR ARE IN IMMEDIATE DANGER, CALL 9-1-1.

  3. Terminate a private security provider's employment. The employing company is solely responsible for the hiring and termination of private security providers.

May I submit a complaint anon​​ymously?

Yes. However, the ability​ to investigate allegations of misconduct may be hampered by not supplying a name and contact information.

Will my complaint be ke​​​​pt confidential?

You may ask DPSST to keep your contact information confidential by checking the appropriate box, however, all information provided on the Professional Standards Complaint Form is subject to Oregon’s Public Records Law (ORS 192.410 to 192.505). DPSST may be required to release the information provided on this form if requested.

What happens i​​f DPSST determines my complaint does not fall under its jurisdiction?  ​

You will be notified that your complaint is falls outside of DPSST's jurisdiction. Non-jurisdictional complaints will also be maintained as a public record in accordance with DPSST's approved records retention schedule.

Will I be able t​​​o obtain information once the investigation by DPSST is closed?

Maybe. Records maintained by DPSST are subject to Oregon Public Records Law (ORS 192.410 to 192.505). Some records may remain exempt from release at the conclusion of the investigation.

Who can I cont​​act with questions?

​DPSST's main reception can be reached by calling (503) 378-2100 or by e-mailing IMPORTANT: DPSST staffing is limited. You may be directed to leave a voicemail or submit your questions in writing to facilitate a response. IF YOU ARE THE VICTIM OF A CRIME OR ARE IN IMMEDIATE DANGER, CALL 9-1-1.​​​​