I want to become licensed for the first time, what do I need to complete?
- Complete a PI-1 (application)
- Secure a surety bond, irrevocable letter of credit or errors & omissions insurance in the minimum amount of $5000 with your name listed as principal
- Complete one (1) fingerprint card
- Complete three (3) professional letters of reference. References cannot be related to you by blood or marriage or be personal in nature.
- Submit proof of 1500 hours (via resume), some educational substitution may apply.
- Complete two (2) passport quality photographs. (Photos are to be submitted electronically at piappsubmittal@state.or.us. *Digital photo must meet certain criteria, see below for explanation. No copies or laser printer copies will be accepted.)
- PI-27 (Private Investigator Professional Code of Ethics)
- Review the list of criminal disqualifiers in Oregon Administrative Rules Division 61.
- Submit $74.00 for the application fee and the required $690 licensing fee (VISA/MC, cashier’s check, money order, or business check. No personal checks or cash, please.)
- Once your completed application packet is processed you will receive exam information via email. The exam is online through Workday.
*Criteria for electronically submittal: JPEG format (.jpg), minimum 640x480 resolution, cropped head shot, solid colored background, photo date must be within the last six months, sent from an email address on file at DPSST (or) if new applicant, sent from email address listed on application or submitted on a CD with paper documents and driver's license quality professional photograph.
**The initial application process and criminal background check typically takes 4-8 weeks.**
*** If you were previously licensed in the State of Oregon as an investigator and completed the DPSST PI Exam, you are not required to complete the exam again as long as there is proof of a passing score for the DPSST PI Exam. If you previously completed the OBI Exam, you will be required to pass the DPSST PI Exam.