Applies to:
Railroad police officers who reside in or whose primary employment is in Oregon.
Requirements to apply for appointment and commission:
The railroad police officer must have obtained DPSST Basic Police Certification in Oregon and be of good standing.
Length of Commission:
The Railroad Police Officer Commission expires upon change in Governor.
Railroad Company Requirements
- Railroad companies must provide DPSST a primary contact responsible for the submission of commission requests, certification requests and photographs of certified railroad police officers or railroad police officers requesting certification.
- After basic police certification is issued, the primary contact must submit an Application for Governor Appointment and Commission of Railroad Police Officer (F24) and passport quality photo to DPSST for each officer requesting a Governor’s commission.
- Upon an officer’s separation from employment or transfer out of Oregon, the primary contact must return the Governor’s Commission card to DPSST and submit an F4s Personnel Action separating the officer from Oregon certified employment.
- Upon a change in Governor, all commission cards will expire and the primary contact must request a new commission for all certified officers by resubmitting an F24.
DPSST Responsibilities
Upon receipt of the F24 form requesting appointment and commission, DPSST will :
Verify the officer is employed by the requesting railroad company, holds an active DPSST Basic Police Certification, and is in good standing.
Coordinate with the Governor's office to obtain approval for appointment and commission.
Print and send commission card to railroad company.