Below is a searchable database of DPSST Professional Standards Cases and agency police officer discipline that included economic sanctions as required to be reported per ORS 181A.684.
For a detailed explanation of the fields, please scroll to the bottom of this page. NOTE: Records with a Status of Under Review indicates that DPSST has opened a professional standards case due to the receipt of information indicating that an officer may have engaged in behavior that violates an established certification standard. An open case that is under review is not proof that a public safety professional engaged in misconduct.
Officers and dispatchers will remain on this list until 5 years after date closed. A
Deny, Revoke, Suspend Excel file is available that contains the names of all officers whose certification was denied, suspended or revoked due to misconduct. The complete file can be requested by submitting a
public records request.
Click on the Plus (+) at the end of the row to view more information about the case.
Field Explanations
This list includes the following fields that can be filtered and sorted. You can also export the entire list to an Excel document.