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Oregon Criminal Justice Background Resources       CJ IRIS Link

Brandy Pitt 

Erica Riddell
DPSST is committed to ensuring Oregon's Public Safety Professionals possess the highest levels of moral fitness and remain above reproach throughout their career. As such, DPSST provides the following resources for background investigators to ensure only the highest quality professionals are entrusted to provide public safety services in Oregon.

DPSST has developed an Agency Background and Psychological Screening Reference Guide​ to assist agencies in determining background and psychological requirements based on various employment scenario​s.​​​​

​​OAR 259-008-0010​ defines the minimum standards for employing police officers, police reserves, corrections officers, parole & probation officers, and regulatory specialists which includes conducting a background investigation pursuant to OAR 259-008-0015​ and a pre-employment psychological evaluation for police officers and reserves.

On April 27, 2023, the Boar​d on Public Safety Standards and Training approved the following rule changes:
  • A psychological evaluation be conducted on all law enforcement officers (police, corrections, parole & probation, and regulatory specialists) hired on or after July 1, 2023.
  • A background checklist be completed and saved with each background started by an agency on or after July 1, 2023.
  • Standardized questions be asked on applicant personal history statements/questionnaires started on or after July 1, 2023.
To assist agencies in understanding the new requirements, DPSST has provided the following items:
  • ​A Frequently Asked Questions page answering some of the questions constituents have already come up with, we will update regularly with new questions and answers. (in development)
  • The recommended rule text​ has been published to our rules page to allow agencies to ensure they are in compliance on time.
  • A Background Checklist form agencies can use to meet the rule requirements
  • An Applicant Personal History Questionnaire (APHQ) agencies can use that contains all the required questions.  (Agencies are not required to use this document, but must use the questions listed in rule. 
If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at 503-378-4411 or email​ and we will be happy to assist you.

​​OAR 259-008-0011​ defines the minimum standards for employing telecommunicators and emergency medical dispatchers which includes conducting a background investigation pursuant to OAR 259-008-0015​.

On April 27, 2023, the Boar​d on Public Safety Standards and Training approved the following rule changes:
  • A psychological evaluation be conducted on telecommunicators hired on or after January 1, 2024.
  • A background checklist be completed and saved with each background started by an agency on or after July 1, 2023.​
To assist agencies in understanding the new requirements, DPSST has provided the following items:
  • ​A Frequently Asked Questions page answering some of the questions constituents have already come up with, we will update regularly with new questions and answers. 
  • The recommended rule text​ has been published to our rules page to allow agencies to ensure they are in compliance on time.
  • A Background Checklist​ form agencies can use to meet the rule requirements
If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at 503-378-4411 or email​ and we will be happy to assist you.​

Applies to all Background Investigators conducting a background investigation for individuals being considered for employment or utilization as a public safety professional or instructor in Oregon.

​Public Safety Professionals are defined as the following:
  • ​Police Officers
  • Corrections Officers
  • Parole & Probation Officers
  • Telecommunicators
  • Emergency Medical Dispatchers
  • Regulatory Specialists
  • Certified Reserve Officers
  • Reserve Officers​

To request a DPSST records review, p​rovide the following information in an email to​​​

Full Name (Including any known alliases or previously used last names)
DPSST # (Found on CJ IRIS​)
Date of Birth

The body of the email must clearly indicate the name of the background requester and which agency they represent.

DPS​​​ST Review Process

DPSST will conduct a search of the following:
  • DPSST regulatory records for professional standards information relating to the applicant, to include any records relating to a compliance review/investigation and complaints filed with our agency in each of the following disciplines:
    • Criminal Justice
    • Fire Certification
    • Private Security
    • Private Investigator
    • Polygraph Examiner 
  • Review of the IADLEST (International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards & Training​) National Decertification Index. (NDI) 

​DPSST Resp​​​onse

  • ​All requests will be worked in the order they are received with a goal of response within 5 business days.   
  • Upon conclusion of a review, DPSST will provide an email response detailing what, if anything, was found. 
  • Copies of any DPSST records can be requested and will be released in compliance with Oregon’s Public Records Law.​​

The purpose of the National Decertification Index (NDI)​ is to serve as a national registry of certificate or license revocation actions involving Police or Corrections Officers. The records contained in the NDI are provided by participating state government agencies and should be verified with the contributing authority. DPSST reports revocations of public safety professional certifications to the NDI and serves as Oregon's gatekeeper for ​Public Safety Agencies to gain access to NDI data.​​​​​

All records related to DPSST’s professional standards cases are subject to Oregon’s Public Records Law. 

The following information is made available in recognition of the importance of ensuring the transparency of DPSST’s professional standards processes:

  • Professional Standards Cases/Economic Sanctions Database
    • This database provides a list of professional standards cases opened by DPSST on Police, Corrections, Parole and Probation, Liquor Enforcement, Telecommunicators, and Emergency Medical Dispatchers.  Professional standards cases are typically opened when and officer or dispatcher is separated from employment under irregular circumstances or the officer/dispatcher has a criminal arrest or citation to appear.
    • The database also provides a listing of any police officers who recieved an economic sanction as part of discipline from their employer.  The requirement to report econimic sanctions came into law ​on January 1, 2022.
  • ​​Criminal Justice Information Records Inquiry System (IRIS)
    • ​A searchable database of all DPSST certification, training and employment records relating to public safety officers in Oregon.​​

DPSST's Criminal Justice Professional Standards unit exists to ensure individuals applying for and holding DPSST certification are above reproach. Questions as to whether an individual possesses the high level of moral fitness standards to become certified in Oregon as a public safety professional are reviewed below.
Professional Standards is responsible for the denial, suspension or revocation of certifications held by public safety professionals who do not meet, or fall below the Board’s moral fitness standards.​
DPSST will only initiate a Professional Standards review of offenses that are punishable as a crime. Reported offenses of violations that are not punishable as a crime and are subject to a fine only, will be administratively closed.
An offense "punishable as a crime" is a crime or violation that carries with it the possibility of a term of imprisonment.

Violations are punishable b​y a fine, and are not punishable by a term of imprisonment. ​​​​​​​​​​​

Visit our Professional Standards​ page for more information.