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DPSST Instructors

Here are some helpful links

Instructor Guide

Instructors must review this guide to ensure they have an overall understanding of DPSST.

Director ​of Training

This position develops and implements division goals and objectives, along with managing the design, presentation, and evaluation of programs through subordinate managers and/or staff. Insures these programs meet required standards of quality; relevance; currency of content; and other agency guidelines, policies, and standards. Ensures state and federal mandates and standards are met.

​​Academy Operations Manager

This position oversees the delivery of statewide, statutorily mandated, basic training programs for police, corrections, telecommunications, campus public safety and parole and probation officers. It ensures basic programs have adequate staffing, proper equipment is in place and operational, safety protocols are in place and followed, and training is conducted in accordance with approved lesson plans. The supervisor assigns and reviews work of staff and part-time instructors and adjusts work assignments and schedules to maintain adequate staffing levels. This position ensures student discipline, morale and welfare; and conducts and coordinates investigations of student or outside instructor misconduct. The Supervisor reports investigation findings orally and in writing to the Training Director. Personally develops, or ensures that the section staff develops curriculum for various public safety disciplines and that all produced materials are of the highest and most professional standard; responsible to ensure that information developed for the DPSST Field Training Manuals are consistent with the needs of respective disciplines. This position ensures that all curriculum materials used by the Training Division are current by conducting or directing frequent material reviews. Supervisor solicits input from staff and constituents and works with subject matter experts to incorporate new or upgraded materials into the curriculum. Selects and convenes workgroups as necessary to review, discuss, and develop curriculum.

​Skills S​​upervisor

This position oversees the delivery of statewide, statutorily mandated, basic, and advanced survival skills training in high liability areas including Firearms, Defensive Tactics, Confrontational Simulation and the Health and Fitness programs. This position also oversees the delivery of statewide, statutorily mandated, basic and advanced tactical skills training in high liability areas including Emergency Vehicle Operations, Vehicle Stops, Building Searches and Scenario Training.  This position ensures programs are adequately staffed and that proper equipment is in place and operational in accordance with approved lesson plans. The Skills Supervisor ensures inventory control of all training equipment, vehicle inventory maintenance, simunitions and firearms.  The Skills Supervisor ensures maintenance is completed in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures and DAS guidelines. This position ensures compliance with Department rules, policies, and procedures by assigned staff.

Class Training Coordinators

These positions primarily oversee basic classes and students through instructing, observation, counseling, remediation, maintaining discipline, providing identification and intervention of student misconduct. Acts as a positive role model and motivates class members to form a positive, cohesive team. Conducts preliminary student investigations of misconduct and recommends a course of action. This position communicates with employing agency heads (or designee) on student progress and issues that arise during the training course. They identify, track and coordinate remediation of student deficiencies. This position provides oversight of instructors who teach, including introductions prior to training, liaison with the Curriculum Unit, and mentoring based on student feedback and personal observations. Coordinates documentation of class-related issues and submits for entry into the class file. This position coordinates and conducts graduation ceremonies and class projects. The Class Training Coordinator reports to the Academy Operations Manager.

​Skills Training Co​​​ordinators

These positions oversee the training and development of student training in skills and tactical areas through instructing, observation, counseling and remediation.  These skill and tactical areas include statutorily mandated, basic, and advanced survival skills training in high liability areas including Firearms, Defensive Tactics, Confrontational Simulation and the Health and Fitness programs. Skills Coordinators also instruct and assist in ensuring scheduling of instruction in Emergency Vehicle Operations, Vehicle Stops, Building Searches and Scenario Training.

​Legal Services Coordin​ator

The Legal Services Coordinator serves DPSST and the instructor by researching current legal issues and updating curriculum relating to legal issues. Instructors will work with the Legal Services Coordinator on training related to legal issues.

Payroll ​Technician

The payroll technician has responsibility for preparing DPSST payroll and benefits, and provides payroll related services by compiling payroll data from timecards or time sheets; review of payroll system voluntary deduction and benefit input forms; reconciling benefit enrollments and payroll records: distributing paychecks, and answering payroll related questions for employees and supervisors. The Payroll Technician also processes garnishments; sends out letters and receives payments for self-insurance of employees on leave without pay; records and prepares miscellaneous summary reports for such items as payroll adjustments, and union dues; maintains files of payroll forms, records and OSPA reports. This position also processes and monitors requests for Hardship Leave Donations and maintains Hardship Leave accounts.

​Accounting​​ and Travel Expense Technician

This position serves the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST) and the Instructor by ensuring timely responses to submittal of reimbursements for travel and contract payments or other DPSST related expenses. Instructors will submit all agency and travel related reimbursements with their monthly timesheets on the appropriate form(s). Each biennium the Accounting Technician collects and maintains POV authorizations. The Accounting Technician will confirm compliance with State travel policies and may make follow-up inquiries with instructors or supervisor.

Instructor inquiries regarding status of travel reimbursement claims should be made with the Accounting Technician or Travel Coordinator.​​​​

DPSST Part-Time In​​structors

  • Instructors who have successfully completed the State of Oregon hiring process and are part-time employees of DPSST.
  • These employees are bound by the same employment rules as other unrepresented state employees while working at DPSST. To review the State Personnel Rules and Policies, use the Website:​.
  • Lodging, meals, mileage: to review the State of Oregon travel guidelines, use the Website:​, select Chapter 6, Travel. You will need Adobe to download. Adobe is available on the Website.
  • Lodging:  instructors wishing to stay overnight at the Academy must contact Dorm Reception to reserve a dorm room. Lodging is provided for Instructors while teaching at the Academy if your home is more than 75 miles from DPSST. There are only a limited number of available rooms due to the increased number of students being trained.
  • Meals: meals are provided for Instructors while teaching at the Academy if your home is more than 75 miles from DPSST and you are in overnight status.
  • Mileage: mileage is reimbursed from your home or agency (whichever distance is less) to the Academy at the current State per mile rate. Also, identify on your Travel Reimbursement request if you are traveling from home or other work location. You must complete a POV Request form to request use of your personal vehicle to be reimbursed for mileage.

Contract In​structors

Contract Instructors are persons who provide a scope of work not accessible by a public safety part-time or public safety volunteer instructor, under a written agreement with the Department.​

Volunteer Inst​ructors

Volunteer instructors are instructors who are not being paid for services by anyone.

  • Off-duty volunteers: volunteers who are employed by a public safety agency in the State of Oregon, and who are volunteering his or her services, during off-duty time, for a stipend for lodging, mileage and meals must comply with their employer's off-duty employment policies at all times. Volunteers who are employed by a public safety agency must receive approval from their employing agency and this approval needs to be on file with Human Resources at DPSST. These volunteers are eligible for reimbursement of mileage, meals and lodging. These volunteers shall complete a Travel Reimbursement Request, listing complete information, to include the Class Discipline and Class Number (example:  Basic Police #253) if they are requesting reimbursement.
  • Conditions of Volunteer Service: as a person working in a State of Oregon agency, a volunteer must understand the extent to which he or she is covered by State of Oregon insurance for liability and personal injury/illness.

Agency L​​oaned Instructors

Agency Loaned Instructors are instructors employed by an agency, such as a city or county police department and are working at DPSST on that agency's time. These instructors must remain in compliance with their employer's employment policies at all times. Instructors working on agency time must have received approval from their employing agency and this agreement needs to be on file with Human Resources at DPSST.

​Role Pl​ayers, Paid and Volunteer

Role Players serve DPSST both as paid or volunteer. Role Players are eligible for mileage reimbursement if serving as a volunteer and must complete a Travel Reimbursement Request to request reimbursement.  Volunteers must understand the extent to which he or she is covered by State of Oregon insurance for liability and personal injury/illness.​

Persons providing instruction for any mandated DPSST course are required to comply with OAR 259-008-0080 (Certification of Instructors) and DPSST Policy Number 325 (Instructor Certification for Mandated Training Courses.)

Instructors of mandated courses must be certified to instruct each particular unit of instruction they provide. Instructor Certification Review for a specific unit of instruction is completed by a Training Supervisor.​

*** DPSST’s Standards and Certification section may be contacted for additional information on instructor certification.


DPSST Part-Time Instructors a​​​re paid based on the timesheet they submit on the last day of each month. It is the Instructor's responsibility to ensure the timesheet is accurately completed, has been signed by the instructor, and has the appropriate Project or Pay Type Code. 

Timesheets​​​​ are maintained in the Instructor Support Room (E-105C). Examples of paperwork are located in this room.

​​Monthly Instr​uctor A​​ttendance Log

To complete the veri​fication f​or payment, the FORM “Monthly Instructor Attendance Log​" ​must match the timesheet. Instructors are to fill in one sheet per month and attach it to the timesheet with a paper clip. All time listed on the timesheet must be accounted for on the Attendance Log.

​​Reimbursement of Meals, Mile​age or Lodging

An instructor may request reimbursement by completing the FORM “DPSST TRAVEEXPENSE DETAIL SHEET / Part-Time Trainers, Board Members, Volunteers, Agency Loan & Other Travelers."   APT_Travel_Reimbursement010124.xlsx


Occasionally, there will be a need for instructors to use DPSST agency vehicles. When this need arises, the instructor will contact Academy Training to sign out a vehicle. Instructors will abide by all traffic laws of the State of Oregon, be courteous, ​and be defensive drivers while operating DPSST agency vehicles. Instructors are required to have a valid Driver's license on their person while operating a DPSST a​gency vehicle.

​When an instructor has returned the D​PSST agency vehicle to the academy, he or she will complete the FORM “Vehicle Maintenance Log."​

Part-time instructors will be issued a staff-parking permit. Each instructor will be expected to display this permit in/on his/her car at all times while on Academy grounds.​

All certified instructors are provided liability coverage as follows:

Tort​​ Liability

All instructors will be protected from civil liability for injuries or damages to the person or property of others, subject to the following general conditions:

  • The instructor is teaching in unit they are qualified to instruct; and
  • The instructor is working on a state agency task assigned by an authorized agency supervisor; and
  • The instructor limits his or her actions to the duties assigned; and
  • ​•    The instructor performs the assigned task in good faith, and does not act in a manner that is reckless or with the intent to inflict harm to others.

​The conditions and limits of this protection are as stated in the Oregon Tort Claims Act, ORS 30.260-300, and Oregon Department of Administrative Services Risk Management Division Policy Manual, 125-7-202.

​Motor Vehicle Liability

If an instructor uses a personally owned vehicle in the course of his or her duties, the instructor is required to have automobile liability insurance to provide the primary coverage for any accidents involving that vehicle. State provided auto liability coverage would apply on a limited basis only after the primary coverage limits have been used. If the instructor is employed full time by DPSST, the employee must also complete a POV form to have on file with Business Services.

​Volunteer Injury Coverage

Workers' compensation is not provided; however, the agency has an injury protection plan to cover injuries of authorized instructors. It is limited to only injuries due to an accident while performing instructor duties. The state will pay medical treatment bills, disability, and death and dismemberment benefits to the limits and under the terms and conditions described in Oregon Department of Administrative Services Risk Management Division Policy Manual, 125-7-204. If an instructor is injured in a private vehicle, the private vehicle owner's insurance is responsible for the medical bills.

Report​​ing Responsibility

Any time an instructor, while performing assigned duties, is involved in any accident or exposed to a situation that has the potential for liability, the instructor must inform the appropriate supervisor as soon as possible. Additional, a DPSST FORM “Incident R​eport" must be submitted to the appropriate supervisor within 24 hours.​