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Oregon Child Welfare Data and Reports

On this page you can find data and federally required reports from the Oregon Department of Human Services Child Welfare Division and related programs. 


View our dashboards for up-to-date information about the children, youth and families served by Oregon's Child Welfare system. 

Child Welfare Public DataChildren's System of CareFederal Performance Measures

Adoption data

Adoption trends

Current and past adoption statistics are provided in the Child Welfare Data Book (below). The Data Book includes Oregon adoption data for children who are not in ODHS custody. Annual updates are posted in late summer.

Child safety data

The Child Welfare Data Book is the Oregon Department of Human Services' annual report of child abuse and neglect statistics. It also includes Oregon adoption data f​or children who are not in ODHS custody.

Critical Incident Review Teams conduct ​extensive reviews any time a child dies as a result of abuse or neglect when the child or their family had recent contact with the Oregon Department of Human Services. The primary purpose of the CIRT process is to identify and correct any systemic issues that contribute to child fatalities.

Visit the CIRT page to find reports and updates.

COVID-19 reports

​​This report examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the ODHS child-serving system (agency and provider/program levels). The study includes ​quantitative and qualitative approaches to gain a complete picture of the impact of the pandemic on agency leaders and operations as well on contracted residential providers, programs, and proctor/foster families.​​

Federal data and reports

About C​FSP

​​The federal government (Children’s Bureau of the Administration for Children and Families) requires each state’s child welfare agency to create a five-year Child and Family Services Plan (CFSP). The CFSP is directly tied to federal government funding to support Oregon Child Welfare programs. The CFSP includes reporting on Oregon’s performance on a number of measures, as well as specific reporting that is tied to each specific funding stream. This plan also informs the federal government of Oregon’s plans to continually improve our support of children and families in Oregon.



Megan Brazo-Erickson
Assistant Program Manager, Federal Policy and Resources​
Phone: 503-983-4570

About CF​​SR

​The federal government periodically conducts the Child and Family Services Reviews (CFSR) of state child welfare systems to achieve three goals.

  1. Ensure conformity with federal child welfare requirements
  2. Determine what is actually happening to children and families as they are engaged in child welfare services
  3. Assist states in helping childr​en and families achieve positive outcomes

The CFSR is conducted in two parts: a Statewide Assessment and an Onsite Review.

Current data​

View the ​Federal Performance Measures Dashboard for current data on CFSR Round 4 Federal Measures.​


About Ti​tle IV-E State Plans

​Oregon receives federal funding through Title IV-E of the Social Security Act which is an important funding stream for foster care costs. It provides for federal reimbursement for a portion of the maintenance and administrative costs of foster care for children who meet specified federal eligibility requirements. Each state has a Title IV-E State Plan that lays out the state’s specific participation in IV-E programs and funding and identifies the state laws and regulations that have been enacted to comply with federal laws and regulations associated with the funding. ​

Current p​lan​

Title IV-E State Plan (as of 2/1/2020)​


Megan Brazo-Erickson
Assistant Program Manager, Federal Policy and Resources​
Phone: 503-983-4570

​About S​​SBG

Title XX of the Social Security Act gives States increased flexibility to offer a wider range of services to a broader population of adults and children. By federal law, SSBG funds must be administered by the same agency that administers child welfare and foster care/adoption programs - this report describes the services funded with SSBG within ODHS.​





Title IV-B reports

Annual Progress and Service Reports (APSR)*

​The federal government requires each state's child welfare agency to report annually on its progress in achieving the goals laid out in the Child and Family Services plan (as described above) in the Annual Progress and Service Report (APSR).

As with the Child and Family Services Plan, Oregon is required to report on a number of performance measures as well as specific use of individual funding streams. ​

The Annual Progress and Service Report (APSR) is also an update to the Child and Family Services Plan, identifying progress on outlined plan goals and any changes to Oregon's plan.​​


Megan Brazo-Erickson
Assistant Program Manager, Federal Policy and ​Resources
Phone: 503-983-4570​

2024​ APS Report

2022​ APS Report

2021 APS​ Report​

2020 APS ​​​Report

*These reports include Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) reports.

Youth in foster care

Oregon provides residential services for children and youth. Occasionally specialized services are not available in Oregon and appropriate out-of-state services are used. When children are in out-of-state programs, we use heightened oversight and strong regulatory standards to ensure safety and well-being.

Visit the Out-of-State Placement ​page to find reports and updates.​​