This is a summary report for the federal measure of placement stability defined as: Rate of placement moves per 1,000 days of foster care for all children who enter foster care in a 12-month target period.
12 Month Target Period: The target period is the 12-month period that ends on the report period end date.
Count of Days: This measure counts only the number of days the children were in foster care during the 12-Month period (including days in trial home visit and days across removal episodes) minus exclusions noted below.
For youth who enter foster care at age 17 and turn 18 during the period, and adjustment is made for time in foster care beyond the 18th birthday and placement changes after that date.
- Youth who enter care at age 18 or older, or who are age 18 or older on the first day of the 12-month period, are excluded from indicator calculations.
- Children in foster care for less than eight days.
- Days in foster care for which the AFCARS file does not have placement information. The initial removal from the home (and entry into foster care) is not counted as a placement move.
Placement Moves: Only placement settings that are required to be counted in AFCARS file are used. If the child is moved to a living arrangement or setting that would not result in the state increasing the number of placement settings reported in AFCARS, those moves are not included (e.g., trial home visit episodes, runaway episodes, respite care and changes in a single foster family’s home status to reflect a licensing change from a foster care home to a home dually licensed for adoption).
Cumulative Across Episodes: Both the days in care and placement moves are counted even when the child is in multiple removal episodes in the same year.
- Numerator: Of children counted in the denominator, the total number of placement moves during the 12-month period
Divided by
- Denominator: Of children who entered foster care in a 12-month period, the total number of days these children were in foster care during the rolling 12-month period
Multiplied by 1,000.
National Standard: 4.12 moves per 1,000 days in foster care
Unknown worker assignments, assignments to central office, Office of Training and Investigative Services (OTIS) and Oregon Child Abuse Hotline (ORCAH) are all showing in the “Other” category for County.
Masking is applied to protect privacy If any count is below 5, or the county base population (denominator) is below 20.