All Oregon cities and counties, regardless of size, are eligible to receive funding from producer responsibility organizations for new expansion of on-route collection for residents and businesses, depot collection or both for covered recycling products under ORS 459A.890(5).
The first step of this process is for local governments to complete the first needs assessment survey, which asks local governments to indicate their interest in expanding recycling collection opportunities in their communities. DEQ is conducting this needs assessment survey January through April 2023 and then periodically thereafter. This first needs assessment survey will gauge interest from all local governments statewide to expand recycling collection services for the first program plan period which is from July 2025 through 2027.
Eligible expenses include startup and expansion costs associated with on-route collection of covered recyclable products and both startup and ongoing operating costs of new or expanded depots for covered recyclable products. If necessary and none other is available, establishment of a recycling reload facility with the necessary compaction equipment qualifies as an eligible expense. The list of recycling materials that can be collected commingled on-route and at depots will be identified via the rulemaking process.
DEQ will provide the results of the needs assessment to the PROs. The PROs are required to describe how they will provide funding to local governments in the program plan, and will use the needs assessment to inform this requirement. They must submit their plan to DEQ for review and approval by March. 31, 2024. Once a program plan is approved, PROs will begin working with local governments and their service providers to determine implementation. Recycling service expansion will occur after July. 1, 2025.