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Life Cycle Impact Evaluation

The Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act requires the Oregon Environmental Quality Commission to establish by rule the methodology, procedures, and requirements to be used by producers of covered products when conducting evaluations of life cycle environmental impacts pursuant to the Act. Evaluations conducted by producers of packaging, printing and writing paper, and food serviceware in accordance with these rules will be used by the top 25 largest producers in the state to fulfill an obligation to evaluate and disclose impacts and can be used by all producers in requesting eco-modulated fee discounts.

Project Outcomes

To track the status of rules resulting from this project, envisioned for adoption by the Environmental Quality Commission in Nov. 2024, DEQ encourages interested parties to visit the Recycling 2024 rulemaking website, where all materials relevant to the rulemaking are posted. Rules that were informed by this project are numbered 340-090-0900 through 0940.

Rulemaking Advisory Panel

DEQ assembled the following Rulemaking Advisory Panel to review rule concepts and language developed through this project and provide technical feedback:
  • Roland Geyer, Professor, University of California at Santa Barbara 
  • Simon Hann, Principal Consultant, Eunomia Research & Consulting Ltd (UK)
  • Christoph Koffler, PhD - Technical Director Americas, Sphera Solutions, Inc.
  • Emily Wynne, Sustainability Consultant, Quantis

Requests for Information

Through two Request For Information windows, DEQ requested information related to this rulemaking. 

Request for Information 2 - November-December 2023

DEQ issued a second RFI for this project in November-December 2023, which informed the department's revision of rule concepts prior to their presentation to the Rulemaking Advisory Committee in Feb. 2024. DEQ also hosted a public webinar on Nov. 16, 2023, to share and promote the RFI and provide an opportunity to ask questions directly of staff.

Request for Information 1 - May-June 2023

DEQ issued a first RFI for this project in May-June 2023, which informed the department's drafting of rule concepts which will form the basis of the second RFI. DEQ also hosted a public webinar on May 18, 2023, to share/promote the RFI and provide an opportunity to ask questions directly of staff. 


For more information about this project, email