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File a Pollution Complaint

Reports from Oregonians are an important element of the enforcement of Oregon's environmental laws. Here are examples of complaints you can submit to DEQ.

  • Unusual pollution from a facility
  • Mismanagement of asbestos and hazardous waste
  • Release of harmful chemicals, pollution or sewage to the ground or water
  • Construction or other activity causing a stream or river to become murky
  • Illegal dumping site
  • Outdoor burning on state-designated non-burn days or burning illegal materials (rubber, plastic, tires, asbestos, food waste)

DEQ does not handle the following complaints

Make sure your complaint reaches the right agency. Click the links below to find contact information to the appropriate agency. 

Air Quality

Local Issues

This includes illegal dwellings, abandoned RVs, noise, restaurant or woodstove smoke, and houseless camping:

Smoke and Burning


  • Railroad ties - DEQ has received multiple complaints about placement of railroad ties near public walking paths. DEQ has no regulatory authority over railroad ties, including where they are placed or how they are managed. Concerns should be directed to the railroad. According to Oregon Health Authority, the primary health effects associated with creosote are related to increases in lifetime cancer risk over years of exposure. Because the presence of the stacked ties is temporary, it is not likely that exposures could last long enough to appreciably increase lifetime cancer risk. Perception of odors can trigger symptoms such as headache and nausea independent of any toxic responses. Odor-related symptoms are temporary and reversible and do not indicate that long term harm is being done. For more, please visit OHA's odors webpage.
  • From hemp farms  contact Oregon Department of Agriculture to learn more about Oregon's right-to-farm agricultural laws. Odor from growing hemp is not regulated.
  • From marijuana (cannabis) farms  contact Oregon Liquor Control Commission

How to submit a pollution complaint

If you need immediate medical attention, call 911.


For pollution that is not an emergency, click the button below to report a pollution problem online. DEQ will not contact you unless we need more information or you request to be contacted.

For technical issues with Online Complaint Form, please contact the YDO Helpdesk.

Reporte problemas de contaminación en esta página de WEB. Si DEQ necesita más información, alguien se comunicará con usted. 

If you cannot use the web form, you can also report pollution problems by voicemail to DEQ. Please leave a detailed message, including:

  • What is the problem?
  • What is the specific location where the problem is coming from? (required)
  • What kind of pollution is involved?
  • How much pollution is there?
  • Who is responsible for the pollution?

To leave a voicemail: 1-888-997-7888

DEQ will not contact you unless we need more information, or you request to be contacted. If you would like your name and contact information to be kept confidential, please indicate that in your message. This is not a 24/7 emergency response line.


To report an emergency (active/uncontrolled) release of oil or hazardous materials, visit our How to Report a Spill page. Examples include but are not limited to:

  • semi-truck crash on the highway,
  • leaking above ground storage tank or
  • oil sheen on a waterbody
  • wildlife impacted by a spill

DEQ has received multiple complaints about placement of railroad ties near public walking paths. DEQ has no regulatory authority over railroad ties, including where they are placed or how they are managed. Concerns should be directed to the railroad. According to Oregon Health Authority, the primary health effects associated with creosote are related to increases in lifetime cancer risk over years of exposure. Because the presence of the stacked ties is temporary, it is not likely that exposures could last long enough to appreciably increase lifetime cancer risk. Perception of odors can trigger symptoms such as headache and nausea independent of any toxic responses. Odor-related symptoms are temporary and reversible and do not indicate that long term harm is being done. For more, please visit OHA’s odors webpage.

Español, русский, Việt, and other languages

DEQ can respond to complaints in Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese and many other languages. File a complaint by phone at 503-229-5696.

El DEQ puede responder a quejas en Español. Someta su queja llamándo al teléfono: 1-888-997-7888. 

Департамент по охране окружающей среды (DEQ) может ответить на жалобы на русском языке. Позвоните нам по телефону 503-229-5696 с понедельника по пятницу с 8 до 5, и попросите русского переводчика.

DEQ có thể trả lời các khiếu nại bằng tiếng Việt. Vui lòng gọi số 503-229-5696 từ Thứ Hai đến Thứ Sáu, từ 8 giờ sáng đến 5 giờ chiều. và yêu cầu một thông dịch viên tiếng Việt.