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E-Cycles for Manufacturers: Frequently Asked Questions

Covered electronic devices include:

  • Computers (desktops and laptops - including tablets)
  • Monitors (both CRT and flat panel with viewable areas greater than four inches diagonally)
  • TVs (both CRT and flat panel with viewable areas greater than four inches diagonally)
  • Computer peripherals (keyboards and mice) 
  • Printers

For the purposes of Oregon E-Cycles, a manufacturer includes any entity that:

  • Manufactures or manufactured CEDs under a brand that it owns or is licensed to use (unless the license is to manufacture CEDs for delivery exclusively to or at the order of the licenser);
  • Sells or sold CEDs manufactured by others under a brand that the seller owns;
  • Manufactures or manufactured CEDs without affixing a brand;
  • Manufactures or manufactured CEDs to which it affixes a brand that it does not own; or
  • Imports or imported CEDs (unless at the time the CEDs were imported they were registered by another manufacturer). 

Maybe. A manufacturer of CEDs that were sold in or into Oregon during the previous calendar year must register and participate in a recycling program under Oregon E-Cycles, unless its CEDs are currently registered by another manufacturer. If its CEDs are not currently registered by another manufacturer, a former manufacturer that has not registered must submit a registration form and pay a registration fee of $250 within 30 days of notice from DEQ.

Yes. If you build computers, monitors or TVs, you are considered the manufacturer of that device and must register and participate in a recycling program under Oregon E-Cycles. Additionally, you must affix a brand label to all CEDs. If you do not have a brand or logo, your company name may be used instead.

Yes. A manufacturer of computers, monitors, printers and TVs sold in or into Oregon is considered a manufacturer  – regardless of how many of those electronic devices it makes. Oregon E-Cycles does not exempt small manufacturers. Because a manufacturer pays registration fees based on its market share (unit sales of its CEDs sold in or into Oregon during the previous calendar year), it is likely a small manufacturer will pay the lowest registration fees. Similarly, a manufacturer’s recycling obligation is based on its market share (by weight), which will likely be small for a small manufacturer.

Oregon E-Cycles accepts whole CEDs for recycling; it does not accept component parts. In addition, Oregon E-Cycles provides the opportunity for the public to recycle CEDs at no charge, but no one is required to use this program for their recycling.

No. Registration is required only for manufacturers of whole devices of computers, monitors and TVs, not their individual parts or components (e.g. memory, hard drives, etc.).

​Manufacturers must annually submit a registration form, pay a registration fee, participate in a recycling program, pay for recycling costs and affix brand labels to their products.

Before selling its brands of CEDs in or into Oregon a new manufacturer must register with DEQ and pay registration fees. DEQ accepts first-time registration forms from new manufacturers throughout the year. After receiving a new manufacturer’s registration form, DEQ will invoice the manufacturer for its registration fees.

Because registration fees are based on manufacturers’ market shares for the previous calendar year (i.e. sales of their CEDs in or into Oregon), it is likely a new manufacturer will be in the lowest fee category and pay the smallest registration fee for the first year. 

​Current manufacturers that fail to comply with their requirements under Oregon E-Cycles will be listed on DEQ’s manufacturer compliance list as “noncompliant,” and their products will not be permitted to be sold in or into Oregon. Furthermore, both current and former noncompliant manufacturers may be subject to civil penalties as outlined in ORS 459.995.

​Yes. Retailers that sell or offer for sale computers, monitors, printers or TVs must provide consumers with point-of-sale information on where they can recycle those devices free of charge. Retailers may sell CEDs only if they are affixed with a brand label and those brands are included on the Oregon “compliant list” DEQ maintains.

Manufacturers must pay registration fees annually. Manufacturers are placed in one of seven fee tiers, based on their market shares (by unit) of CEDs sold in or into Oregon during the previous calendar year, and pay the registration fee assigned for that tier. DEQ assigns the fees for each tier annually; fees range from $40 to $35,000. The Registration Fee Table shows how tiers for fee assignment are determined. DEQ uses the registration fee revenue to cover its costs for administering Oregon E-Cycles.

DEQ sends manufacturers an invoice for their registration fees after May 1; fees are due July 1.

​Yes. If any information changes during the course of the year, such as contact information or brand information, please email with updates.

In addition to registering, manufacturers must also participate in an Oregon E-Cycles recycling program. Manufacturers may participate in the DEQ-administered State Contractor Program (SCP) or, if certain requirements are met, implement individual or group manufacturer programs operating under plans approved by DEQ.

Participants in the SCP pay a recycling fee to DEQ to fund the costs of that program. Recycling fees are a per-pound fee based on manufacturers’ respective return shares by weight. Return shares are based on market share by weight of devices sold in or into Oregon during the previous year. DEQ sends participants in the SCP an invoice for their recycling fees July 1; payment is due Sept. 1.

Participants in individual and group manufacturer programs are responsible for the costs of their programs. Contact the recycling program representatives for more information about how their fees are assessed.

To pursue an individual program, a manufacturer’s return share must be at least five percent. To pursue a group program, the sum of the return shares of manufacturers participating in the group must be at least five percent.

Manufacturers pursuing an individual or group program must submit a recycling plan to DEQ for approval by July 1 each year.

Manufacturers are required to choose which recycling program they will participate in for the following calendar year on their annual registration form. For example, when registering for 2017, a manufacturer indicates the recycling program they will participate in for 2018. This choice cannot be changed during the course of the year.​