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Oregon Hazardous Waste Rules

Notice: Update on e-Manifest Third Rule  
On July 26, 2024, the US Environmental Protection Agency finalized changes to the hazardous waste manifest regulations under the e-Manifest Third Rule. This rule is essential for all entities handling hazardous waste shipments, as it modifies several key aspects of manifest regulations to improve tracking and compliance. 

While Oregon has not yet adopted this rule into our state regulations, compliance with the federal rule is required. To assist with these changes, the EPA has provided several resources: 

Visit the DEQ's rulemaking web page for advisory committee meeting and public involvement information, as well as links to the Environmental Quality Commission staff report and presentation.

On Nov. 17, 2021, DEQ adopted revisions to five sections of Oregon administrative rules governing the treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous waste (Divisions 100, 101, 102, 120 and 135) and related revisions to the Oregon rules governing compliance and enforcement of agency programs (Division 12). In total, the rule amendments modify, update or revise nine elements of Chapter 340 of the Oregon Administrative Rules. These changes were effective on Jan. 1, 2022. 

This rulemaking included federal rules adopted by reference, meaning without change from the language as adopted by EPA, and federal rules adopted with Oregon-specific modifications. Five rules required adoption to allow Oregon DEQ to retain its authorization to operate the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste program in lieu of EPA in Oregon. Those items are noted in the list below with an asterisk (*). The additional revisions were not required for continued authorization and will allow Oregon to maintain and implement a protective Hazardous Waste Program reflecting current science and best practices. 

Below, under “Adopted with Oregon-Specific Modifications" and “Adopted without changes to the federal rule language" you will find links to existing web resources as well as DEQ fact sheets and trainings.​

Additional resources