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Environmental Cleanup Information Database

The Environmental Cleanup Site Information Database will be retired as we modernize to Your DEQ Online starting April 16, 2024. Learn more.

Your DEQ Online is used by the Environmental Cleanup program to track sites in Oregon with known or suspected contamination from hazardous substances and to document sites where DEQ has determined that no further action is required. Data in Your DEQ Online is "working information". Please note that:

  • Some information in Your DEQ Online may be unconfirmed, outdated, or incomplete.
  • Data in Your DEQ Online is summary in nature, rather than comprehensive.
  • There may be contaminated sites in Oregon that are unknown to DEQ and do not appear in Your DEQ Online. Conversely, the appearance of a site in Your DEQ Online does not necessarily mean that the site is contaminated.
  • Information in Your DEQ Online is subject to change at any time.

Search Your DEQ Online Public Information Database

For a list view of all DEQ cleanup sites search the Your DEQ Online All Sites Report

If you are unfamiliar with Your DEQ Online or need more information about how to navigate this database, DEQ recommends that you visit Your DEQ Online User Guides. If you can't find the find the information you need, please visit the DEQ Public Records Request web page.

Environmental Cleanup Site Information Database

The ECSI database was an electronic database that Oregon Department of Environmental Quality used from 1989-2024. IT tracked suspected or cleaned up hazardous substance contamination. 

As of April 16, 2024 information from this system was migrated to Your DEQ Online as part of an agency modernization effort. DEQ's goal was to streamline the way we accept, process and share information. 

During the transitionary period we will leave the historic database available for public use.

NOTE: Information found in Environmental Cleanup Site Information database (ECSI) is stale data. To find the most up-to-date information please search Your DEQ Online public information database

Frequently asked questions

Your DEQ Online is an environmental data management system used by several regulatory programs at DEQ. The Environmental Cleanup program uses the system to track sites with known or suspected hazardous substances, and project numbers are assigned to individual sites. Information about sites is summarized along with their investigation/ remedial status, and Cleanup Program recommendations for further actions are documented. Your DEQ online also keeps a record of sites for which DEQ has determined no further action is necessary.​

Each project entry contains basic data such as project name and location. For most sites, Your DEQ Online also indicates how and when the site became contaminated, qualitative risks the contamination may pose to human health or the environment, investigative and cleanup actions that have occurred, and if any, prioritized further actions that are required. For many projects, Your DEQ Online has documentation of contaminants found in soil, surface water, sediments, and groundwater with associated concentrations and sampling dates. Your DEQ Online categorizes current project status and also lists past and present site operations, owners/operators, and site contacts. The amount of data available for each site varies greatly and depends on the nature of site issues, how long the site has been active in DEQ's Cleanup Program, and the priority DEQ has assigned to the site.​

Your DEQ Online houses a wide variety information such as size, location, features, contaminant profile, and degree of cleanup. What all projects have in common is documented, suspected, or remediated hazardous substance contamination in groundwater, surface water, soil, or sediments. Some projects have minimal information available and need an initial evaluation, while others have completed investigative and remedial actions, and have earned a NFA decision from DEQ. Sites range from urban industrial complexes to isolated rural facilities contaminated by disposals or spills. Most sites are either industrial or commercial, but the Cleanup Program sometimes adds highly contaminated residential properties. 

Your DEQ Online information also includes study areas which are groups of individual projects that may be contributing to a larger, area-wide problem. For example, when DEQ discovers regional groundwater contamination where the sources of contamination are not known, it will create a study area for this region. Then, DEQ will add projects within the region's boundaries to this study area, and these sites may be investigated to determine if they're potential sources of contamination. DEQ has also created study areas of sites that could threaten Vulnerable Areas such as drinking water sources or streams with endangered fish species.​


All data in Your DEQ Online is public information with several ways to access it. DEQ recommends that you visit Your DEQ Online User Guides to learn how to search using the options listed below. 

The easiest way to access Your DEQ Online data is through the Your DEQ Online Public Records Portal. Use cleanup project search criteria such as project number, project name, street name or number, submittal ID, Site ID, Environmental Interest, Submittal Type or Region. With some search criteria selected, you may switch to a map view. Your search will result in a filtered collection of projects that fit that criteria and offer links to detailed reports for each site. 

For a list view of all DEQ cleanup sites search the Your DEQ Online All Sites Report

Your DEQ Online information will reflect summaries of site information. For more details on project history or activities, you may use other methods such as the DEQ Public Record Request system. ​

​​DEQ's Cleanup program adds sites to Your DEQ Online if they meet any of the following criteria:
  • Sites with documented contamination that are eligible for the Confirmed Release List (Oregon Revised Statute 465.405).
  • Sites that are the subject of a cleanup report submitted to DEQ.
  • Sites at which the weight of evidence suggests the presence of contamination beyond de minimis proportions.
  • Sites that DEQ Site Assessment staff intend to evaluate and are likely to refer to the Voluntary Cleanup, Site Response, or Orphan programs for follow-up.
  • Sites at which DEQ oversight or review is requested through the Voluntary Cleanup Program or Independent Cleanup Pathway.
  • Landfill sites permitted under DEQ's Solid Waste program, if contaminants that could threaten human health or the environment migrate beyond landfill boundaries, or site issues otherwise exceed the Solid Waste program's regulatory authority.
  • Sites that DEQ's Spill program refers to Site Assessment for further action.
  • Potentially contaminated sites requiring detailed or time-consuming preliminary file reviews to determine whether further Cleanup program evaluation is needed.​

Many of DEQ's regulatory programs are moving to Your DEQ Online. 

The following Land Quality Programs have moved, and their associated legacy systems have been replaced by Your DEQ Online.

 These include:

  • Environmental Cleanup
  • Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST)
  • Heating Oil Tanks (HOT)
  • Heating Oil Tanks Licensing 

See a full list of programs participating in Your DEQ Online. 

We have modernized the way we accept, process and share information at DEQ. This is an important and exciting upgrade to the way we do business now, both internally and with the public. Your DEQ Online provides an easy and intuitive online system for connecting to DEQ. 

The activities and industries we regulate, along with the general public, need better access to information, efficient turnaround and expanded payment options. Many of DEQ's regulatory programs are continuing to move to Your DEQ Online. Our goals are: 

  • To make services more accessible
  • To save applicants time and resources
  • To reduce ongoing data management costs
  • To provide greater efficiency with licenses/certifications/permits
  • To meet federal electronic reporting standards
  • To improve transparency and data stewardship 

Ultimately, Your DEQ Online will make it easier for Oregonians to work with DEQ. ​


For more information, contact the 
Environmental Cleanup Program or call 1-800-452-4011