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Resources for HR Professionals

Learning & Development

​​​​​Management Education Training Programs
The man​agement education training programs are skill-based statewide programs offering a variety of management and supervisory classroom courses, and online courses for all of Oregon state government. 

Project Management and Business Analysis Training Programs
The DAS Chief Human Resources Office offers training on project management, business analysis, and portfolio management for Oregon state government and local government employees.

HR Professional Training Programs​
There are two HR training programs for HR Professionals offered through the DAS Chief Human Resources Office.

All DAS Training ​Programs​
Several of DAS divisions offer program specific training.

​​Emotional Intelligence Assessment
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is defined as a set of competencies demonstrating the ability one has to recognize their behaviors, moods, and impulses, and to manage them best according to the situation.  The EI assessment is a tool people can use to do a self-evaluation or have others do the assessment to identify their EI strengths and areas where there are opportunities for growth.  Any Oregon state government employee can use the EI assessment and you can use it as many times as needed. 

Enterprise Manager Competency Guide
The Competency Guide provides an overview of the enterprise manager competencies, proficiency levels for each competency, the associated skills for each proficiency level, and a starting point for self-directed development efforts and developmental discussions to improve their ability to identify opportunities to reinforce and apply learning on the job.

Internship Toolkit
The toolkit provides agencies a useful mechanism to develop and implement an in-house internship program. It has been compiled after researching numerous best practices from different internship programs across the country and its contents have been carefully selected to assist in running a successful internship program within an agency. Not all of the documents and tools are necessary, but are there to serve as a resource at your agency's discretion.

Mentorship Toolkit
A mentoring program provides employees the opportunities and means to develop skills so they are ready to step into leadership roles. The toolkit and templates are a resource to develop and administer a successful mentorship program within your agency.

Succession Planning Toolkit
State government's workforce touches the lives of all Oregonians and those who visit our beautiful state. Over 500 different classifications – many designated as “critical" – encompass our workforce and provide continuity for the state's most crucial services. In order to maintain a skilled workforce and continue to provide these critical services, the state recognizes agencies must be responsible for creating, implementing and sustaining a viable succession plan. To assist state agencies with succession management, the DAS – CHRO developed a model succession plan, including best practices, tools and resources. 

Work Style I​nventory
The Work Style Inventory (WSI) is a great to have your team complete and share with one another what their preferred work style is.  The WSI is based on Dr. David Merrill, an industrial psychologist, who developed a model that focuses on differences between people's outer behaviors rather than on differences in their inner states.  Merrill's model is based on behaviors that are directly observable by others.  The model groups people into four different styles (relater/amiable, socializer/expressive, thinker/analytical, director/driver).  Understanding how to flex your style with other styles, especially within your team, will result in more productive relationships and engaged employees.  Any Oregon state government employee can use the assessment and you can use it as many times as needed.​​


​​​HR Compliance
Resources for HR Compliance as it relates to Oregon state government employees.

​​​Working Remotely
The nature of work has substantially changed. The rise of knowledge work and the evolution of technology afford Oregon state government the opportunity to reimagine the work we do.  Work Reimagined highlights and encourages the ability to work remotely. Working remotely is a mutually agreed upon work option between the agency and the employee in which the employee works at an alternate worksite, such as the employee's home ( Policy 5 0.​050.01 .) Working remotely is also referred to as “telecommuting" or “teleworking."

Performance Accountability and Feedback
The Executive Branch of state government adopted a performance accountability and feedback process to assist managers in managing the performance of their subordinates, including communicating employee expectations and assisting the employee in meeting their performance and developmental goals. This model replaced the yearly performance evaluation with quarterly check-ins.

Oregon State Library Resources
The Oregon State Library offers a variety of free resources to state employees including access to books, periodicals, videos, online training, online books, journals, research resources, etc.  All you need to do is activate your account to instantly access all of these resources.

Public Records and Public Meetings
The Department of Justice maintains the public records and meetings law and manual.

​​​Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS)

The Legislature maintains a listing of all the ORS' enacted by the Legislative Assembly.  The statutes are the umbrella laws for all rules, policies, and procedures.  Statutes are the state laws which define what agencies must do, can do, and cannot do.  Each agency has their own statute which gives specific authority to carry out the agency's mission.  This is called an agency's “enabling statute". 

Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR)
The Secretary of State's Office maintains a database of all OARs.  OARs are created by most agencies and some boards and commissions to implement and interpret their statutory authority.

DAS Statewide Policies
DAS is responsible for developing and administering statewide policies related to human resources, accounting, facilities, fleet, IT, printing and mail, procurement, risk management, and surplus property.

Statewide HR Policies
The Chief Human Resources Office (CHRO) develops and administers statewide policies related to classification and compensation, discipline and discharge, employee leave, filling positions, position management, and workforce management.

Collective Bargaining Agreements
The executive branch of Oregon state government works collaboratively with 10 labor organizations to administer and negotiate 32 collective bargaining agreements for 34 bargaining units in 62 different agencies, boards, commissions.​

This toolkit provides templates that agencies can modify and use for their ADA process.

Affordable Care Act
This toolkit provides resources and templates that agencies can modify and use for their ACA process.

Domestic Violence​
This toolkit provides resources and templates that agencies can provide to their employees.

Donated Leave
This toolkit provides resources and templates that agencies can modify and use for their donated leave process.

Family and Medical Leave
This toolkit provides resources and templates that agencies can modify and use for their FMLA/OFLA processes.

Gender Identity Guidelines
This document offers guidance to agencies on how to respectfully interact with employees in a way that supports their gender identity while employed with Oregon state government.

Human Resources Reference Guide
This reference guide was designed for HR professionals. The guide contains a compilation of basic HR procedures, information, references, and resources on topics such as workers' compensation, employee orientation, HR records, performance management, position management, etc. ​

Internship Toolkit
This toolkit provides resources for developing and administering a successful internship program.

Investigations Toolkit for HR Professionals
This toolkit provides resources and templates that agencies can modify and use for their investigations process.

Limited Duration Toolkit
This toolkit provides resources and templates that agencies can use for Limited Duration employees.

Military Donated Leave

This toolkit provides resources and templates that agencies can modify and use for their military donated leave process.

Recruitment Toolkit
This toolkit provides resources and templates for the hiring and selection process.

Remote Work
The resources below provide information for managers and employees who work or request to work remotely in any capacity. 

Sick Leave​
Thisresource provides information on payroll processes.

Candidate Preference Toolkit​

This toolkit provides resources for applying candidate preference in the employment selection process.​

​​​​​​​​Workday Oregon provides an enterprise-wide solution for: core HR functionality; recruitment management; classification and compensation; absence management; position management; talent and performance management; learning and development.

Reporting Apps for HR

  • HR Reports: There is an app called 'Human Resources Reports'. Anyone with the role of HR Analyst or HR Partner in Workday has access to run these reports for their agency. The reports cover HR processing, compensation, service credits, trial service, state service, position, worker and position exceptions, and worker information. To access the reports, look for 'Human Resources Reports' in the Apps section of Workday.
  • DEI Dashboard: There are several DEI reports available in this dashboard. Anyone with the role of HR Analyst, HR Partner, or DEI Partner has access to run these reports for their agency. Click here for instructions on accessing the dashboard (you'll be prompted to log into Workday).
  • Talent Acquisition Dashboard: There are several Talent Acquisition reports available in this dashboard. Anyone with the role of HR Executive, HR Analyst, HR Partner, or Recruiter has access to run these reports for their agency. Click here​ for instructions on accessing the dashboard (you'll be prompted to log into Workday).

Use the links below for more information.

Log into Workday

HR Job Aids

HR Agency Contacts

Learning Job Aids

Learning Partner Agency Contacts​

HRExec - Restricted mailing list for  HR Directors responsible for overall HR Management of their agency.  If you are an HR Director, please contact

HRmgr-net - Restricted mailing list for DAS HR Administrator communications to Senior HR professionals, Agency Directors and Deputy Directors, and Administrators with HR functions in their divisions. 

HRtech-net - Restricted mailing list for DAS HR Administrator communications to state HR  technicians.   

HR Recruiters - Restricted mailing list for HR Recruiters.

Class/Comp - Restricted mailing list for Classification and Compensation.

​Oregon state government hires hundreds of new employees to working various agencies providing critical services to the people of Oregon. 

​Many organizations, including state government, tend to focus on a new employee's first day and week. This is when the new employee typically completes forms, completes required training, and attends some type of orientation. This is an orientation and a “transactional" approach to bringing on new employees. Onboarding, however, can last anywhere from three months to a year, depending on the position's responsibilities and the amount of organizational understanding necessary to succeed in the role.

To assist state agencies with developing or enhancing their current onboarding programs, the DAS – Chief Human Resources Office (CHRO) developed a comprehensive statewide onboarding model outlining the key aspects of each phase of onboarding a new employee. The statewide onboarding model includes an onboarding guide and a website with tools and resources agencies can customize to meet their specific needs.

For more information, please visit our webpage at the link below.