Building Energy Efficiency
The Office of Sustainability works with agencies to manage energy and resource use in buildings across the enterprise. In collaboration with the Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE), we provide agencies with support and resources to use energy more efficiently and work toward building energy targets established in Executive Order 17-20.
Agencies are required to track and report annual building energy use to ODOE, which is then shared in annual energy report cards. New construction and major renovation of state facilities are also subject to the
State Energy Efficient Design (SEED) program, which requires state agencies to use energy efficient design methods. Applicable projects are also subject to the
1.5% for Green Energy Technology (GET), also administered by ODOE. Agencies will also need to comply with ODOE’s Building Performance Standard rules for applicable buildings.
Fleet, Electric Vehicles
The Office of Sustainability supports DAS Fleet and Parking Services in their efforts to manage fleets efficiently, increase the number of EVs in the state fleet and provide EV charging infrastructure. We work with agencies to reduce fleet fossil fuel use through reducing miles traveled and deployment of more efficient vehicles. DAS also offers a
Smart Commuter Program to encourage employees to use alternative modes of transportation in their commute and implement the
Statewide Fleet Policy 107-011-040.
Commuting (transit, carpools, bicycles)
Our office helps agencies use water more efficiently, both in buildings and on grounds. The Office provides agencies tools, calculators, education materials and best practices to establish water use targets and integrate efficiency in elements such as end-use fixtures, cooling towers and irrigation practices. We help agencies comply with Executive Order 21-20 and respond to drought by curbing non-essential water use.
In addition, agencies owning water rights regularly report their water use to the Oregon Department of Water Resources.