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Public Lands Advisory Committee

The Public Lands Advisory Committee (PLAC) is authorized in ORS 270.120 and 270.100(1)(d). The primary role of the committee is to provide an opportunity for public comment and advise the director of the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) on all real property acquisitions, exchanges or dispositions valued at $100,000 or more, for which the department must give its consent. DAS and the state agency that owns the property must consider, but need not follow, the advice of the PLAC (OAR 125-045-0215)

​​​​The PLAC consists of seven members appointed by the Governor to serve four-year terms with an option to extend. Members must include two members from the Legislature, one licensed real estate broker, two persons who serve in the Executive Branch of state government, one person qualified as a land use planner, and one person qualified as a real estate management expert.

​John Brown, Chair
​Real Estate Broker
​Mark Meek, State Senator
​Legislative Member 1​
​Thuy Tran, State Representative
​Legislative Member 2​
​Sara King
​Real Estate Mgmt Expert
​Land Use Planner
​Brady Ricks, DAS Real Estate Manager
​​​Executive Branch 1
​Jennifer Blake, DAS Leasing Agent
​Executive Branch 2

Member Travel Expense Reimbursement Form (TEDS) ​

If you are interested in serving on the PLAC, learn about the application process by visiting the Governor's Boards & Commissions Page and follow the instructions provided.   ​

​​​​​​​​​​​​Regular PLAC meetings are scheduled at least quarterly by Microsoft Teams until further notice. If the committee decides to cancel a meeting, this website will display an announcement. 
P​LAC meetings are held at the call of the chair.

Public Comment

Meetings provide opportunity for public comment. If you would like to address the Board, please send an email to at least one week before the meeting and follow guidelines in public comment section below.

Alternate Formal Request

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Board will provide PDF documents on this page in an alternate format upon request. Please contact 

Request Invite to Meetings at 

Next Meeti​ng: "Thursday" 04-24-2025 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.

January 23, 2025  Meeting Cancelled 

​The Public Lands Advisory Committee (PLAC) provides time for public comment at each meeting. If you would like to address the PLAC, please provide at least one day's notice by Email to:

Please follow these guidelines to provide public comment: 
First: Provide notice at least one day before the meeting date.
Second: Provide name, topic of comments, any special accommodations required, and your comments​.

Optional: If providing oral public comment, attend the meeting in-person or virtually. The Board Chair will call you to provide public comment according to the agenda. You will: 
• Introduce yourself and your topic; then, state your comment. 
• Limit your comment to the specific topic. 
• Limit your comments to a maximum of five minutes. 
• Provide a copy of your written comments to the Chair.

The Board may or may not take action on the topic of your comment.  

​​Any sale or acquisition of real property with an appraised fair market value exceeding $100,000, may require PLAC review. Exempt Acquiring Agency and Exempt Disposing Agency is defined in OAR 125-045-0205 (13) and (14). DAS may request the advice of the committee involving any real property transaction valued less than $100,000 when deemed appropriate. To determine if review is required, consult agency requirements.​

Applications are subject to additional vetting by committee members. Once you submit a review application, it will be added to the agenda of the next scheduled PLAC meeting unless there is reason to request a special meeting. The owning agency is required to present the proposal to the PLAC members and be available to answer questions.  

Email your application to: