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Step 4: Enter owner contact details and upload homeowner acknowledgement form

  1. Add the homeowner's contact information. This may not be the same as the work site address.

    If the homeowner contact information is the same information you used to create your account, click on Select from Account, then select yourself as the Associated Contact and click on Continue.

    If the homeowner contact information is different from the contact information used to create the account, select Add New, enter the required contact information, and click on Continue.
  2. Select Add to attach the homeowner acknowledgement form.

  3.  This will open a pop-up. Select Add in this pop-up.

  4. This will open a prompt on your computer to select the file to attach. Find the file location, then double-click the file to select it.

  5. When the document is 100% loaded, select Continue.

  6. Type in a file description – “Homeowner acknowledgement" is sufficient.

  7. Select Homeowner Acknowledgement as the file type. Do not select a different file type.

  8.  Select Save to finish uploading. Attempting to continue without saving will generate an error message.

  9. The website will show a message that the document has been successfully uploaded. Select Continue application.

    This will begin the next step of the application process. Instructions to continue the application can be found at this link: