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Data Resources

SUD and Behavioral Health Data Resources

Thank you to Oregon Health Authority for compiling these data sources. These resources, while not comprehensive, should help people gain a better understanding of the availability and efficacy of substance use services and supports across Oregon.

Overdose prevention dashboard (Oregon Health Authority) 
  • Death, hospital discharge, and emergency room discharge data for 11 drug categories
  • Data are presented as state-wide annual trends as well as aggregated county-level and demographic-level trends.

Death data dashboard (Oregon Health Authority) 
  • Annual trends in mortality, mortality causes, fatal injuries, leading causes of death 

Opiod Overdose Public Health Update Dashboard (Oregon Health Authority) 
  • Monthly updates of Oregon opioid overdose data, focusing on current total opioid overdose events, statewide and by county​​

Suicide data dashboard (Oregon Health Authority) ​
  • Oregon Violent Death Reporting System (ORVDRS) includes annual trends in suicide, mechanism of death, and circumstances surrounding suicide incidents.

State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System (SUDORS) (US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
  • Data on drug overdose deaths and their characteristics that can be queried by state.


Oregon Possession of Controlled Substances dashboard (Oregon Criminal Justice Commission)

  • Arrests for possession of controlled substances

Behavioral Health Deflection Programs dashboard (HB 4002) (Oregon Criminal Justice Commission​)
  • Program map, funding overview, budget details​


Adult Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) (Oregon Health Authority)
  • Data on preventive health practices and risk behaviors that are linked to chronic diseases, injuries, and preventable infectious diseases in the adult population.

Youth Behaviors – Oregon Student Health Survey (SHS) and prior school-based surveys, reports and interactive data (Oregon Health Authority)
  • Questions include overall health and environment, substance access and use, positive youth development, mental and physical health, access to care, and injury prevention.

Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System reports (PRAMS) (Oregon Health Authority​)
  • Survey that collects data on maternal attitudes and experiences prior to, during and immediately after pregnancy for a sample of Oregon women. Includes a Substance Use Dashboard visualizing trends relating to substance use topic. PRAMS Behavioral Health dashboard available to compare data by demographic variables​

National Survey on Drug Use & Health (NSDUH) state results main page (data through 2022) (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - SAMHSA​)

Treatment Episode Data Set report (TEDS)   (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - SAMHSA)
  • Reports of public-funded substance use treatment provided, includes reports for Oregon, but there may be limitations in data quality. Most recent data are from 2021. 

Household Pulse Survey dashboard (US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
  • State-level information on anxiety and depression, collected and reported monthly and updated with a less than one month time lag (current data available through September 16, 2024)​


Coordinated Care Organization (CCO) Performance Metric​s dashboard (Oregon Health Authority)

  • Includes performance metrics about behavioral health services, available by CCO region

Recovery Network of Oregon directory (Oregon Recovers)
  • Searchable directory of specific supportive services related to substance use

Free treatment and recovery services directory (also embedded in Measure 110 dashboard) (Oregon Health Authority)
  • Search for available Screening, housing, employment, peer support, harm reduction, SUD treatment by county and city

Prescription Drug Monitoring Program dashboard (Oregon Health Authority)​​
  • State and county level data on controlled substance prescribing

Children's System of Care data dashboard (Oregon Department of Human Services)
  • Data from Child Welfare, the Office of Developmental Disabilities Services, Oregon Health Authority and juvenile justice, includes data on children served by behavioral health

Adult behavioral health housing and residential treatment dashboard (Oregon Health Authority​)
  • An overview of OHA's investment funds from HB 5024 and HB 5202. Residential and housing investments by county. Does not include M110 housing data.

National Substance Use and Mental Health Services Survey report  (N-SUMHSS) (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - SAMHSA)
  • Most recent available is 2022 State Profiles report (Oregon pages 533-546)

National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services report (N-SSATS) (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - SAMHSA)
  • Most recent available is 2020 State Profiles (Oregon pages 231-237)

National Mental Health Services Survey report (N-MHSS) (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - SAMHSA)
  • Most recent available is 2020 State Profiles (Oregon pages 193-198)

Uniform Reporting System (URS) Tables (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - SAMHSA)
  • 21 tables describing community mental health block grant services provided in Oregon - includes some information on specific demographic groups statewide, but nothing about county or other region. Most recent data are 2022.


Mental Health and Addiction workforce registry (MHACBO: Mental Health & Addiction Certification Board of Oregon)

  • Certified mental health and addiction treatment specialists, can be queried by county, specialty, and demographic characteristics of the provider

Oregon's Licensed Health Care Workforce (Oregon Health Authority)
  • Health Care Workforce Reporting Program data, including information on demographics and practice of over 150,000 professionals (not behavioral health), can be queried by county.


Oregon Licensed Ambulance Services interactive data (Oregon Health Authority) 

  • Includes a map of Oregon ambulance service areas and licensed providers.​



School Health Profiles interactive data (CDC report, implemented in Oregon by Oregon Department of Education and OHA)
  • Interactive 2022 data, including for Oregon statewide and Portland area, on school policies and procedures that relate to substance use

Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC) dashboard 
  •  Adult-use cannabis sales information by county ​


Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act (M110) program page​ (Oregon Health Authority)


OHA's Health Analytics website provides access to 16 different dashboards, including
  • Behavioral Health: Children's seclusion and restraint, Measure 110, Housing and Licensed Capacity Investments
  • Financial: Health care payment arrangements, primary care spending
  • Hospital reporting: Hospital community benefits, hospital financial and utilization (summary and for individual hospitals), hospital payment dashboard
  • Medicaid: Coordinated Care Organization (CCO) performance metrics, Medicaid demographic report, Medicaid enrollment report
  • Oregon Health Insurance Survey (OHIS)
  • Workforce: Health care workforce, OHA registered healthcare interpreters, OHA registered traditional health workers​
