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A photo of OWRD Staff reviewing a mapThe Groundwater Hydrology Section collects and analyzes information that is used to manage the groundwater resources of the state.  Section activities include groundwater monitoring, management of groundwater administrative areas / critical groundwater areas, Aquifer Storage and Recovery and Artificial Recharge, low temperature geothermal, pump tests, technical support of groundwater permitting and management, convening the Groundwater Advisory Committee (GWAC), and authoring groundwater publications. 




Hydrogeologists concentrate their efforts in specific geographic areas of the state and in program areas managed by the Section. Further information regarding many of these areas may be found through the links on this page. Please contact the indicated staff for questions specific to these geographic and program areas. Note that geographic areas overlap with Watermaster Districts (find your WM district Water Resources Department : Regional Offices and Watermasters Directory : Contact Us : State of Oregon). For other questions, contact our customer service representatives at 503-986-0900 (x0) to be routed to the appropriate person.