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Commercial Crab Biotoxin Information

The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA), working with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW), will schedule commercial crab sampling. ODA will post forecasted sampling information and biotoxin test results on this page. 

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Biotoxin status and sampling in commercial crab zones

Map of commercial crab zones with biotoxin status

Crab biotoxin lab results

Letter to Processors of Dungeness Crab

  • Sampling began on 2/23/25 for zones 50 - E, I, K, and L.  All zones tested below the limit for domic acid in viscera.  The next round of crab sampling will begin on 3/23/25.
  • Sampling began on 2/23/25 for zones 50 - E, I, K and L.  50 - L crab samples were landed on 2/23 and viscera results tested below the limit.  Zone 50 - K samples were landed on 2/26 and are below the limit.  Zone 50 - E landed 3/01 and Zone - 50 I landed 2/28. Results pending.
  • Next round scheduled to begin week of 2/23/25 for zones 50 - E, I, K and L. 50 - L crab samples were landed 2/23, 50 - K samples landed 2/26. Results pending for both.
  • Previous sampling is began on 1/26/25 for zones 50 - E, I, K and L. Zone 50 - J crab samples were landed 1/22,  zone 50 - E, I and L samples landed 1/26, and Zone 50 - K samples landed 1/27. All zones tested below the limit in crab viscera.
  • Sampling on 12/29/24 for zones 50 - E, I, J, K and L. Zone K was landed 12/29, E, I and L were landed 12/30. Zones  50 - E, I, K and L viscera results were all below the limit.
  • Sampling on 12/2 for zones 50 - E, I, J, K, and L. All five zones were landed on 12/2. Zone 50 - J is being landed as a buffer to zone 50 - K. Results for all five zones are all below the limit for domoic acid in crab viscera. This is the second consecutive set of results for zones 50 - K and L with all results below the limit. These zones will not be required to be classified as biotoxin management zones upon opening of the season.
  • Call our samplers to provide a sample of 6 crab from zones being tested:

Zones A through F: Jim Moore at 971-281-1318 or Barb Cripe at 503-508-0437

Zones G through L: Neil Jensen at 541-290-2397 or Linda White at 503-949-3282

  • Lifting an evisceration order in any zone with violative crab viscera requires two good sets of samples, at least one week apart. Buffer zones may only need one good set of samples.
Visit Commercial Crab Status Searchable/Sortable Table

 Commercial Crab Status Table

Commercial crab zones

Crab sampling frequently asked questions for 2023-2024

Last year changes were implemented with the goal of minimizing time between sampling and receiving results. We are keeping the same sampling method this year. During the first week of a crab sampling ODA will target Sunday through Tuesday to obtain samples. If samples are not obtained Sunday through Tuesday then ODA will allow for a 'bye' week.

For the first scheduled week of sampling, ODA will have already reached out to industry members for the zone a sample is needed from the week before. If a sample cannot be obtained by Tuesday of the sampling week, industry will get a bye for the remainder of this week. ODA will not seek or accept any crab sample beyond Tuesday for that first week sampling is scheduled. ODA will begin sampling again the following Sunday and will continue to try to get samples until samples are obtained.

Ideally, crab samples delivered to shore on Sunday or Monday and provided to ODA samplers on Monday or Tuesday should allow testing results to be provided to industry before the weekend.

Fishermen: Contact your processor first, they can contact ODA to arrange delivery of crab samples. 
Processors/Buyers: Call the ODA sampler for the correct zone. They will arrange to take delivery of the crab samples for testing.
Zones A through F: call Jim Moore at 971-281-1318 or Barb Cripe at 503-508-0437.
Zones G through L: call Neil Jensen at 541-290-2397 or Linda White at 503-949-3282.​​

Fishermen should work with their buyers to determine what the company needs for their respective markets. Fishermen and buyers should bear in mind that it may be several days between when ODA announces a sampling week and when a sample is actually obtained. Any management action, such as an evisceration order, will date back to the sample landing date (at the earliest), NOT when a sampling week begins. ODA will never recall crab from a zone from the start of when sampling was announced. Any recall would only affect crab landed on or after the date of landing of the sample that triggered the recall.

​​ODA announces the next anticipated sampling week, and which harvest areas will be part of the testing, when they report the last round of sample results through text, email, and updates on the ODA website. Closer to the sampling date, ODA will send out a text or email alert as a reminder of the upcoming sampling. Industry will also receive a text or email alert once the sample has been obtained and it will list the landing date.

Commercial evisceration zones and orders

  • Oregon crab:
    • Currently there are no biotoxin restrictions for commercial crab harvest.
  • Washington crab:
    • Currently there are no biotoxin restrictions for commercial crab harvest.

Evisceration instructions

Here are the instructions for when an evisceration and/or recall order is in effect:

  • Verify and record all crab received for the area/zone where it was harvested and the date of harvest
  • Segregate and label affected crab
  • Eviscerate (gut) crab prior to or after cooking
  • Denature and destroy the viscera (guts) of the affected crab
    • The viscera cannot be used, sold or given away for human or animal consumption or for use as bait.
  • If you are not approved and licensed to eviscerate the crab you must either send it to a licensed crab processor who is approved to eviscerate crab, or denature and destroy the crab.

Commercial ODFW crab permit holders and ODA license holders are responsible for knowing the status of crab biotoxin zones. Check the ODFW website for commercial season openings and closures, license and permit requirements and commercial crabbing weekly updates. The following zone status information is regarding biotoxin results only. It does not refer to seasons, limits, or any other parameters other than biotoxin status.

Commercial crab rule

In 2017 Oregon Department of Agriculture and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife worked in partnership with the crab industry to implement rules for the commercial harvest of Dungeness crab. Safe seafood management practices are essential to protecting both the health of the industry and the health of Oregonians. This rule allows the use of evisceration (removal of the guts, lungs and lung balers, hepatopancreas and associated organs) when biotoxins are above the alert level to prevent the consumption of harmful algal bloom biotoxins in crab and maximize harvest while protecting human health.

Information on the crab domoic acid advisory committee and the development of crab rules is available here.

ODA has adopted the crab rule OAR 603-025-0410 to describe the process for monitoring domoic acid in Dungeness crab and determining harvest restrictions.