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I/DD Services and Eligibility

What are intellectual and developmental disabilities?

  • ​Developmental Disability (DD) is a severe mental or physical impairment or combination of mental and physical impairments
  • Begins before an individual is 22 years of age or 18 years of age for an intellectual disability;
  • Begins in and directly affects the brain and has continued, or is expected to continue, indefinitely;
  • Causes significant impairment of daily living skills (adaptive behavior) such as, but not limited to, communicating, grooming, dressing, safety and social skills.

Other developmental disabilities include autism, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, or other neurological disabling conditions.

See the full definition of Developmental Disability in OAR 411-320-0020.

  • ​Intellectual Disability (ID) means significantly sub-average intellectual functioning with an intelligence quotient (IQ) of 70 and under as measured by a qualified professional, along with a lack of daily living skills (adaptive behavior) such as, but not limited to, communicating, grooming, dressing, safety and social skills, that show up prior to 18 years of age.
  • Individuals with IQ s  of 71-75 may be considered to have an intellectual disability if there is also significant impairment in adaptive behavior as diagnosed by a licensed clinical or school psychologist.

See the full definition of Intellectual Disability in OAR 411-320-0020.  

Eligibility and how to apply


Community Developmental Disabilities Programs (CDDPs) determine eligibility. The worker in your county will help with the necessary papers you need and help you through the eligibility process.

Contact your local CDDP office​ to find out if you are eligible for services.

Contact your local CDDP office. ​

They can give you the application form and help you fill it out. All CDDPs use the same application for services.

You can also use the link below to get the form. Fill out the form and take it ​to your local ​CDDP office​.

Supports for adults

​We offer services to adults ranging from supports to assist an individual to live in their own home or with family or friends, to 24-hour residential services. 

For more information about services and supports ​for adults, read our Choosing DD Services for Children and Adults brochure​.

Service coordination support is provided to any adult with developmental disabilities. Adults can choose to have this support from a CDDP or a Support Services Brokerage​. County Services Coordinators or Brokerage Personal Agents meet at least annually with each person to review their current situation, identify needs, and make referrals for essential services.​

​Supports are provided through a CDDP or Support Services Brokerage to eligible adults living in their own or their ​family's home to help them remain in their home and be engaged in the community. 

A person is assisted to create an Ind​ividual Support Plan​ to arrange for needed supports for things like personal care, shopping, meal preparation and more.

​Support may be delivered in the program of Supported Living, 24 Hour Residential Supports and Adult Foster Homes that best meet the needs of the individual. An individual is assisted to direct a person centered plan and arrange for needed services.

Services coordinators can help you find a program or home that is right for you. If you are looking for an Adult Foster Home, 24 Hour Residential home, or Supported Living provider you can find up to date information about vacancies and a Home Screening Tool on our Residential Services Provider Profiles and Vacancy Listing page​.

Supports for children

We offer supports to children and families ranging from in-home family support, intensive in-home supports and 24-hour services in foster care, host homes or residential placement. 

Find more information in the Services for Children with IDD brochure​.​

​​Service coordination support is provided to any child with developme​ntal disabilities. CDDP or CIIS Services Coordinators meet at least annually with each person to review their current situation, identify needs, and make referrals for essential services.​

Family support provides assistance to families caring for their chi​ldren with developmental disabilities at home. The program addresses the unique needs that arise when a child has a developmental disability. Through the family support program, families determine what they need most. Families have the flexibility to choose services and providers. The program strives to help children and families remain independent, healthy and safe.​

​CIIS​ was developed in response to the needs of families caring for their children with intensive medical or behavioral needs at home. Service Coordinators for the program collaborate with individual families statewide to identify and assess needed supports. They then work together to develop plans of support while coordinating with the other government and community agencies.

CDDPs​ and CIIS provide in-home supports to children living with their families. These supports help children live at home and in their community. Staff help families plan their supports and get s​ervices.

The Children’s Extraordinary Needs Program​ is for children under 18 with very high medical or behavior needs. Parents and guardians in the program can be paid to provide care to their child.

​Foster homes for children with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD) are certified family homes with one or two foster providers residing in the home as their primary residence. Foster homes provide a family environment where children receive 24 -hour supervision and support from foster providers trained in supporting children who experience I/DD. Services and supports are individualized to meet each child's needs and promote their physical, social, intellectual, cultural, and emotional development. Foster providers support the child's relationship with their family and work in partnership with the child's family to preserve family connections.​

​Host homes are family homes in the community that serve one or two children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Host home families provide 24-hour care to maintain a child's health and safety. Host home families also help the child gain skills, meet their goals and support the child's family connections. The host home is licensed and receives training, staffing support and guidance from an endorsed provider agency. 

Learn more about host homes in this infogr​aphic ​and brochure, ​and review the frequently asked questions​. If you you would like more information, contact the Host Homes coordinator​.

​Residential care consists of homes providing 24-hour supports, supervision and training to children with developmental disabilities. They have 24-hour awake staffing. Services are planned, delivered and supervised within a goal of maintaining and improving a child's health and safety. They also work to increase each child's independence and self-confidence. Residential providers support children in their school programs, adult transition planning and, when it is part of the child's individual plan, preserving connection with their families.

​The Children’s Extraordinary Needs program is for children under 18 with very high medical or behavior needs. Children in the program can get up to 20 hours of paid care per week from their parents or guardians. The program started July 1, 2024. Due to a limited budget, the program has a waitlist. Learn more about the program and the waitlist.​​​