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Foster Care


​​​​An Introduction to Becoming a Resource Parent or Adoptive Family (DHS 95207)
Twenty-four page booklet based on the most frequently asked questions about foster care and adoption, including quotes from resource parents, children and teens in foster care​.

Icebreakers...The first meeting between birth parents and resource parents
Explains the goal (to exchange information about the child's needs soon after placement), guidelines, roles and responsibilities of the resource parent, birth parent and caseworker or facilitator.

Team D​ecision Meetings
A one page brochure about when these meetings should take place (whenever a decision to move a child is being considered), who should attend, who benefits, meeting format, facilitation and follow up.

Certification Standards for foster care, relative care and pre-adoptive families​

​Foster Care Bill of Rights

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Carta de Derechos en Español (Spanish)


Child Welfare Data
Information about the children and families who come into Oregon's child welfare system due to abuse or neglect.