Bruce Goldberg, M.D., is a professor at the Oregon Health & Science University-Portland State University School of Public Health and a nationally recognized health policy expert.
Over the past four decades, Bruce’s career has spanned leadership roles across a number of health care organizations in the public and private sector. He served two Oregon governors as the director of the Oregon Office for Health Policy and Research and the director of the Oregon Department of Human Services. He was also the founding director of the Oregon Health Authority.
Bruce and his team led Oregon’s nationally recognized health reforms, helping to transform Oregon’s Medicaid system to one based on a model of coordinated care. In addition, he established Oregon’s Healthy Kids program, which provided health coverage for all children and transformed the delivery of public human services to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. He recently chaired the Oregon Legislature’s Joint Task Force on Universal Health Care. His experiences include being the administrator of large complex organizations, a practicing clinician, a teacher/academician, a county health officer, the medical director for a Medicaid managed care organization, and the clinical director for U.S. Public Health Services in Zuni, New Mexico.