Effective January 1, 2020, the Board updated reporting requirements for licensees.
Licensee must notify the Board within 45 days:
- resolution
of any civil action against a licensee that relates to professional
services and business operations involving an Oregon licensee or Oregon
- initiation of any regulatory action against the licensee
- resolution of any regulatory action against the licensee
- any inquiry into the licensees conduct through a professional organization
- resolution of any professional organization inquiry
Licensees must notify the Board within 10 days:
- initiation of any criminal investigation against the licensee
- resolution of any criminal investigation against the licensee
Notification to the Board must include the following information when reporting any of the events above:
- Name of the regulatory agency, court or professional organization
- Title of matter
- Docket number if applicable
- Date of occurrence of the event
- Name of any legal representatives involved
- Statement of the facts
- Copies
of relevant documents, including but not limited to, regulatory notice,
civil complaint, criminal charging document and any settlement
The reporting requirements set forth in this rule
may not be not negated by the terms of a non-disclosure agreement or
court protective order.
The notices required by this rule shall be signed
by the person or persons against whom the regulatory action, civil
action and/or criminal investigation or action is raised. If the
regulatory action, civil action, or criminal investigation or action is
against a registered firm only, the notice(s) must be signed by an
authorized Oregon partner or owner of the firm.
If you have further questions about reporting requirements, please contact the Board's compliance specialist by email at quinn.stoddard@boa.oregon.gov or call the Board office at 503-378-2262.