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Firm Registration Forms

The following form must be used to register a new firm in Oregon:

Initial Firm Registration Application

This form is also to be used when an existing firm must to register a new firm as a result of an entity change.  

Application fees may be paid online using a credit card at BOA Application Payment: BOA ( or by clicking the link below.  A completed application must be uploaded at the time fees are paid.  Please complete the PDF fillable application form or print and complete by hand, then save a completed copy to your computer before you click the link to begin the submission process.  You will be asked to attach the completed application file and any supporting documentation prior to entering payment information.  You will receive a confirmation page that may be printed as a receipt.  A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you enter during the online submission process that may also be used for a receipt.

Ready to submit your application? Click on the blue box to begin the online payment and application submission process.

  Online Payment and Application Submission 

You may also pay application fees by check made payable to Oregon Board of Accountancy.  The application and check must be mailed together to 200 Hawthorne Ave SE Ste D450, Salem, Oregon  97301-5289.  Your cancelled check will be your receipt.  The Board does not accept applications by email.

Change of Firm Name

To report a change of firm name, provide the following information on firm letterhead:

  • Current firm name
  • New firm name
  • Effective date of the name change
  • List of all owners, including name, license number, state of issuance, and percentage of ownership
  • Update to any address, telephone, email, or website information
The letter can be emailed, faxed or mailed to the Board office.

Change of Address
To report a new address for your firm, please submit the following form to the Board office by email, fax, or mail:

Firm Renewal
Firm Renewals will being the first week of November 2025. 

Firm Reinstatement
The following form must be used to reinstate a previously registered Oregon firm with the same entity type:

If you have questions about firm registration forms, please contact the Board by email at or by phone at 503-378-4181.