The following form must be used to register a new firm in Oregon:
Initial Firm Registration Application
This form is also to be used when an existing firm must to register a new firm as a result of an entity change.
Change of Firm Name
To report a change of firm name, provide the following information on firm letterhead:
- Current firm name
- New firm name
- Effective date of the name change
- List of all owners, including name, license number, state of issuance, and percentage of ownership
- Update to any address, telephone, email, or website information
The letter can be emailed, faxed or mailed to the Board office.
Change of Address
To report a new address for your firm, please submit the following form to the Board office by email, fax, or mail:
Firm Renewal
Firm Renewals will being the first week of November 2025.
Firm Reinstatement
The following form must be used to reinstate a previously registered Oregon firm with the same entity type:
If you have questions about firm registration forms, please contact the Board by email at or by phone at 503-378-4181.