Application fees may be paid online using a credit card by clicking the link below. A completed application must be uploaded
at the time fees are paid. Please complete the PDF fillable application
form or print and complete by hand, then save a completed copy to your
computer before you click the link to begin the submission process. You
will be asked to attach the completed application file and any
supporting documentation prior to entering payment information. You
will receive a confirmation page that may be printed as a receipt. A
confirmation email will be sent to the email address you enter during
the online submission process that may also be used for a receipt.

For security and protection of information, the Board does not accept applications by email.
Most applications must
be complete
within three (3) months of submission to the Board office.
Reinstatement applications must be complete at the time of submission. See the specific web page for more information.
To change the home or work address for an individual licensee, use the Address Change form.
To change the address of a firm (this is not for licensees moving from one firm to another) use the Firm Address Change form.
To change how your name appears on a license, please fill out and submit the Name Change form.