Renewal application packets are emailed out to the licensee's preferred email address on file. The application packet is available to download by May 1. The application packet will be available May through August. Once the late renewal period has closed (August 29), any license that was not renewed during that period will lapse. Individuals whose license lapsed will not have any other requirements, however, if the licensee did not intend to lapse, a reinstatement application will be required.
Licensees with an even-numbered permit expire on June 30 of even-numbered years and odd-numbered permits expire on June 30 of odd-numbered years.
The renewal application must be
complete, including payment, and received online or in the Board office on or before June 30 or postmarked by USPS or other commercial carrier on or before June 30 of the renewal period. Renewal applications received by online submission (credit card & ACH payments) or postmarked after the June 30 deadline MUST include payment of the late renewal fee. The Board does not have the authority to waive the late renewal fee (ORS 673.150). Permits that are not renewed will lapse. Lapsed licenses must be reinstated.
All license statuses are required to complete the application in its entirety (CPE is not required for Retired status).
NOTE: There is no longer a list of approved Ethics CPE courses due to Oregon removing the requirement for Oregon-specific ethics credits. Any four (4) CPE hours of ethics-coded coursework (that aligns with our general CPE requirements) is acceptable.
CPE Requirements:
- Active licensees must submit at least 80 hours of CPE (unless prorated), including four (4) hours of ethics.
- No more than 16 hours of non-technical CPE may be reported. If non-technical hours are reported in excess of the allowed total, the additional hours will be deleted and may result in a CPE penalty if the deletion causes a shortage in total hours or a shortage in the 20 hour annual requirement.
- The maximum carryforward is 20 hours. Carry-forward hours may be applied to the total number of CPE hours due, but may not be used toward the 20 hour annual requirement. Carryforward hours are not designated as technical or non-technical; the hours simply reduce the hours required to be reported. All other limitations for reporting apply each renewal period
- Self-study courses must be taken from a sponsor on the NASBA National Registry and the registry number must be included on the CPE report.
CLICK HERE for a list of NASBA approved sponsors
- No more than 50% of the required hours may be from the category of instructor/author/discussion leader combined.
- Nano-learning credits are provided in .2 CPE hour increments
- CPE earned in the two (2) years immediately preceding the date of expiration (June 30) will be accepted, except for hours used for reinstatement
Licensees who elect to renew their license to inactive status should be aware of the rules regulating inactive status.
Inactive status may be granted to a licensee by the Board if the license is not suspended or revoked and who is not:
- performing or offering to perform, for a client, services involving the use of accounting or auditing skills, including, but not limited to, issuance of reports on financial statements, management advisory, financial advisory or consulting services, preparation of tax returns or the furnishing of advice on tax matters; and
- who is not practicing public accountancy* in a business organization that is required to be registered in Oregon with the Board under ORS 673.160; or
- is a Sole Practitioner
Licensees who are granted inactive status must not use the CPA or PA designation unless the word "inactive" is used in conjunction with the designation, such as "CPA Inactive" and is listed in the same size font as the designation.
CPE Requirements:
- Inactive licensees must submit at least 32 hours of CPE (unless prorated), including four (4) hours of ethics
- No more than eight (8) hours of non-technical CPE may be reported. If non-technical hours are reported in excess of the allowed total, the additional hours will be deleted and may result in a CPE penalty if the deletion causes a shortage in total hours
- Inactive licensees do not have a minimum annual requirement
- The maximum carryforward is eight (8) hours. Carryforward hours may be applied to the total number of CPE hours due.
- Self-study courses must be taken from a sponsor on the NASBA National Registry and the registry number must be included on the CPE report.
CLICK HERE for a list of NASBA approved sponsors
- No more than 50% of the required hours may be from the category of instructor/author/discussion leader combined.
- Nano-learning credits are provided in .2 CPE hour increments
CPE earned in the two (2) years immediately preceding the date of expiration (June 30) will be accepted, except for hours used for reinstatement
* Practice of public accountancy means performance of or any offer to perform one or more services for a client or potential client, including the performance of such services while in the employ of another person by a licensee, professional services of accounting, tax, personal financial planning, litigation support services, and those professional services for which standards are promulgated. These standards include Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification (ASC), Statements of Financial Accounting Standards, Statements on Auditing Standards, Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services, Statements on Standards for Consulting Services, Statements of Governmental Accounting Standards, International Financial Reporting Standards, International Accounting Standards, International Standards on Auditing, Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements, and Statements on Standards for Valuation Services.
You must have held an active CPA license for 20+ years to qualify for retired status. Retired licensees are not required to report CPE hours for renewal. Retired status no longer has an age restriction.
Licensees admitted to the municipal roster are required to complete 24 hours of CPE in subjects directly related to the governmental environment and governmental auditing during each renewal period. A minimum of 16 hours are required in the following subjects:
- Audits of state and local governmental units
- Governmental Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards and updates
- Generally Accepted Governmental Auditing Standards and updates
- Single Audit Act and related Office of Management and Budget circulars and supplements
- Oregon Local Budget Law
- Minimum standards of audits and reviews of Oregon municipal corporations
No more than eight (8) of the 24 required hours may be in courses relating to generally accepted auditing standards and procedures. Courses that make up the eight (8) hours described may include such topics as current developments in audit methodology, assessment of internal controls and statistical sampling. The 24 hours of CPE required under this rule may be included in the 80 hours of CPE required for renewal of the CPA/PA permit.
Any of the following common errors may result in an incomplete application:
- Application received without the full fee (see fee schedule)
- Failure to include payment of Municipal Auditor Fee (if applicable)
- Failure to include both employer and residence address
- Failure to provide a physical address when a PO Box is used
- Failure to choose which address to be used for mailings
- Failure to use the correct CPE format – CPE can be reported using excel or similar program, however, it must be in the EXACT format provided by the Board on the renewal application and must include readable text (size and font). CPE courses are to be reported in chronological (date) order
- Failure to submit the required number of CPE hours
- Failure to provide the 6-digit NASBA Registry Number for self-study CPE
- Reporting insufficient CPE
- Failure to take four (4) hours of ethics courses
- Failure to complete all sections of the renewal form. Regardless of the status renewing to (active, inactive, voluntary lapse or retired) the entire renewal must be completed (exception of CPE report for retired or lapse)
- Failure to complete practice information on page 3 of the renewal
- Failure to sign the renewal on page 4 and page 5, if applicable
- Failure to disclose 100% of services being performed by licensee
- Failure to answer all background questions and submit required documentation
Failure to submit a complete renewal application may result in assessment of late fees, additional CPE required, significant delays in processing, or the lapse of your CPA/PA license.
Please review the requirements for reinstatement of your license. Reinstatement cannot be completed on a renewal application form.
If you have questions about the renewal process, please contact the Board by email at or by phone at 503-378-4181.